Project data & BIM
About BIM-based management of attributes, schedules, templates, favorites, hotlinks, projects in general, quality assurance, etc.

Layer Unlocking

Brett Brown
Coming from AC 20 to 24 the most annoying thing that seems to have changed is when I select something that is locked, I have a shortcut key to unlock it and doing that deselects it, so I have to select it again to carry on. Same in AC 23. In 20 it stays selected and the selection nodes change from grey to black, still selected, and I carry on what I was doing.
Hopefully its a setting? but why would it be a setting? It's enough to send me back to 20.
Surely someone else has noticed this?
Imac, Big Sur AC 20 NZ, AC 25 Solo UKI,

Confirmed, not fixed yet. I can't be the only person to select a locked element in section. 20 months and counting.

Imac, Big Sur AC 20 NZ, AC 25 Solo UKI,