The following error message is coming up on two separate files on two different projects:
“Error occurred during the last Teamwork operation! Syncronize client-created object failed!”
Tried saving out as a PLN and re-uploading the files to the server. Tried removing what I thought was the offending Hotlink completely from the file with no luck. Checked library loading manager and removed broken or missing links. Cleared the local cache. The problem also replicates on several computers on our server so it's not a problem with an individual workstation. The file sizes of the two problem files are different - one relatively small, one quite large. Haven't found other posts related to this problem online helpful.
The only other information of any note is that when going to "Troubleshoot Server Connection", the error details reads:
"Cannot connect to the server on our dedicated ports. A firewall or other software or hardware appliance is blocking the traffic on the following port: 6005. Please check your firewall settings." IT manger does not feel that a firewall is part of the problem, as the error is isolated to these two files at this point.
Any help would be much appreciated.