Yes I agree, I can use my Mac or PC when ArchiCAD is rendering in the background. I can surf, I can email, write text and what not. But I can't continue any serious AC based work involving 3D modeling, and that means almost all of my work. I can do some 2D details if there is any meaningful 2D to do at the moment of that said rendering.
Unfortunately there are no means to control the CPU resources given to cinerender. It would be a welcome feature, I think.
I have solved this in a couple of different ways already:
- with standalone Cinema 4D + limitless teamrender with several cheap but powerful enough machines
- with floating AC network licenses to use for renderings when they are not in use by another worker
I chose Cinema 4D mostly because of the same rendering engine as in ArchiCAD. It's good enough for me/us, and the renders have the same look and feel that they come out from ArchiCAD.
The other reason in favor of Cinema 4D was it's other features it's got. Animations and MoGraph and Expresso. I have to admit that I haven't used those much, though. I'd like to, but not enough time to play and learn with them.
I think the most basic version of C4D costs something around 1000 currency units. The amount varies a little depending if it's $,€ or £, and the VAT differs a lot too. You get one rendering engine, which is the program itself.
The Broadcast and Visualize cost something like 1700 and 2300. They offer 3 simultaneous rendering nodes both of them.
The Studio costs around 3000 western units, and it gives you a limitless number of rendering nodes.
I just bought a cheap used (and changed my signature) Z800 dual processor unit to serve as a render node as it’s main job. It can be used for whatever else too of course. Cinebench gives me 1558 points. My Z400 single proc gives me ~800, like my two Mac Pros do. I can use them all at the same time now if there is a job requiring lot of horsepower. That gives me great savings of time.
I would conclude, that you might do well with only one node, aka C4D Prime, and a powerful machine to crunch the numbers, or maybe with Broadcast or Visualize with 3 nodes to even speed things some more.
I haven't tried SketchUp + VRay combo. I am sure it would give you a good value too.
SketchUp 700 + Vray 500 = 1200 payment units, if I remember the numbers approximately right.
Nowadays there are a limitless number of rendering engines, and there are really good ones. I believe there might be a couple of better ones than what cinerender is at the moment. I prefer cinerender because it’s kind of free for me with ArchiCAD. And it gives good results, though it gives it with that more tedious way, way of CPU processing, not GPU.
Cinema 4D has got this new Pro Render feature. I tried that too shortly, but it’s not mature yet for production. Maybe this year, or maybe next year. It’s (Pro Render) really good for almost instant previews though. In a second or two you know what’s it gonna be like, and go to your further adjustments.
Please see attached my quick tests today with a simple AC-RH-GH practice model. I commented with white text my used render nodes with each run. Render time is reported by cinema itself.
There will come some serious benefits with speed using team render when all CPU resources are used as efficiently as possible by the team render software.
You will need a good wired network though (1Gbps preferrably). I used a wired 100Mbps network for this test. Wi-Fi is going to be troublesome according to my tests at least.
Ok, sorry for the long post. You have a lot of choice nowadays, as we all do, and that's great.
edit. added a zoom up from the results and used machines
AC27, Rhino7/8+Grasshopper, TwinMotion • Mac Pro 6,1 E5-1650v2-3,5GHz/128GB/eGPU:6800XT/11.6.5 • HP Z4/Xeon W-2195/256GB/RTX4080FE 16GB/W11ProWS