The CineRender engine has a lot of settings to nerd out on. Fortunately, Graphisoft has delivered a number of pre-defined 'scenes' to let you select preconfigured settings for exterior renderings, vs interior, white model renders, etc.
Unfortunately, I'm seeing some little glitches in these 'scenes' that might drive some non-nerds crazy.
For example, the 'daylight' scenes check the box to use the current ArchiCAD sun position. But, the 'white model' scenes have that box unchecked, and used a fixed (and peculiar) time. So, rendering a color image and then a white model will give completely different shadows. If you want the same shadows - following the AC sun as saved with your view - then check the "Use ArchiCAD Sun Position" checkbox in the Environment panel.
The physical render version of interior daylight has global illumination values that are too low to bounce the light around, vs the same scene that does not use the physical (camera-like) engine. You may beed to adjust the GI values.
So... for now, "User Beware"... it is not as simple as Graphisoft had intended. Over time, perhaps people will share debugged/improved scenes with the community... and Graphisoft may adjust the delivered ones in a hotfix to be a bit more consistent and usable.
If you find other settings that cause issues, please post.
AC 28 USA and earlier • macOS Sequoia 15.3.1, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB