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About built-in and 3rd party, classic and real-time rendering solutions, settings, workflows, etc.

lightworks and translucency . . .

is it possible to achieve a true translucency with lightworks? i.e. the light (and shadow) present on one face of the material is visible through on the other face of the material even if that material is opaque . . .

i've been playing around for what seems like an eternity and still can't achieve anything along those lines. i've googled in the desperate hope that someone out there my have some info on it, but all i've found is this from another applications troubleshooting pages:
another wrote:
... For instance, indoor lights will not shine through a glazed window and light up the ground outside. Similarly, light will not shine through a translucent lamp shade, even though you see through it. ...
now lightworks is obviously implemented to varying degrees of complexity in different applications, so i guess my question is: just what is the lightworks engine as implemented in archiCAD capable of? and if we are supposedly able to produce this kind of translucency, please can graphisoft provide us with some materials for the job.

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Andy Thomson
Or darker material, more translucent?
Andy Thomson, M.Arch, OAA, MRAIC
Thomson Architecture, Inc.
Instructor/Lecturer, Toronto Metropolitan University Faculty of Engineering & Architectural Science
AC26/iMacPro/MPB Silicon M2Pro
Andy Thomson
Original tinted glass - I don't quite understand the effect you are after, but have wanted a frosted glass for some time...
Andy Thomson, M.Arch, OAA, MRAIC
Thomson Architecture, Inc.
Instructor/Lecturer, Toronto Metropolitan University Faculty of Engineering & Architectural Science
AC26/iMacPro/MPB Silicon M2Pro
andyro wrote:
Do you mean like this?
yep - more like your 'milky white plastic'. does it have a window light behind it to accentuate the translucency?

i was aiming for a two-skin polycarbonate cladding system. i wanted to see if i could render the translucency before i tried to apply the 'ribbed' effect.

the thing that i dislike about your 'milky white plastic' is the dull grey area in the bottom left - out of direct light. i found that when i boosted the specular or reflectance to compensate, i lost the transmission . . . and with it any translucency i had achieved. by then i had more deadlines to meet so gave up . . .

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Andy Thomson
~/archiben wrote:
andyro wrote:
Do you mean like this?
yep - more like your 'milky white plastic'. does it have a window light behind it to accentuate the translucency?

i was aiming for a two-skin polycarbonate cladding system. i wanted to see if i could render the translucency before i tried to apply the 'ribbed' effect.

the thing that i dislike about your 'milky white plastic' is the dull grey area in the bottom left - out of direct light. i found that when i boosted the specular or reflectance to compensate, i lost the transmission . . . and with it any translucency i had achieved. by then i had more deadlines to meet so gave up . . .

Andy Thomson, M.Arch, OAA, MRAIC
Thomson Architecture, Inc.
Instructor/Lecturer, Toronto Metropolitan University Faculty of Engineering & Architectural Science
AC26/iMacPro/MPB Silicon M2Pro
Andy Thomson
Hm. Well, all I can say is LW in AC kinda sucks. I have endeavored with it because it is nice that it is just there, and had a meeting tonight where the clients were just floored, by the design and the renderings, but this job is going immediately to Studio or C4D, I too have given up! Again - too many freaking parameters in the LW material interface, and no way to see what the effect is (that tiny litlle preview sphere - is that a joke?) It should be a 4cm (actual) cube!!
Andy Thomson, M.Arch, OAA, MRAIC
Thomson Architecture, Inc.
Instructor/Lecturer, Toronto Metropolitan University Faculty of Engineering & Architectural Science
AC26/iMacPro/MPB Silicon M2Pro
Not applicable
hi andyro
do you mind posting the setting of your translucent glass material please?
thank you very much
Andy Thomson
I've since made a bunch of improvements - you can fine tune to get exactly what you are after, most of the coloured glass casts coloured shadows now too, look for the 'Translucent White' or Milky White plastics.

Just 'append' the .AAT to your file using attribute manager.
Andy Thomson, M.Arch, OAA, MRAIC
Thomson Architecture, Inc.
Instructor/Lecturer, Toronto Metropolitan University Faculty of Engineering & Architectural Science
AC26/iMacPro/MPB Silicon M2Pro
Long wrote:
do you mind posting the setup of your translucent milky glass?
long tran,

download the file andy posted above and use your attribute manager to append them to your project file . . . you will then see new materials available to you that andy has already set up - and their settings will be available to you in the materials editor.

andy's included all of his glass materials (08 | <....>) as well as the translucent plastics (06 | <....>). the one you're looking for is called '06 | PE Milky Translucent'

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Not applicable
thanks andyro for posting this. i tried to open it with attribute manager but it didnt turn up, said 'Problem when reading from file glasses.aat' . I dont know what's up with it. Im using educational version (Mac OS 10.4.9) so i guessed this is the problem.
Not applicable
im sorry for the last post, a bit dummy . i found ACE Materials from your site, andyro then imported into Archicad and it works like charm. anyway, thank you very much for your helps.
cheers mate