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Ability to Lock Expression Based Properties

Josh Verran

With expression-based properties, it is possible to extract and combine parameters (including other properties) to form a string.

For example, I have properties related to timber framing like studs, nogs, treatment, grade, etc.
I have an expression-based property that determines if the wall is of timber construction then combines the above, plus other parameters (composite name etc) to form a note (sentence), if it's concrete, then a different note is formed. This is then used/displayed in a key (Interactive Schedule).

This works really well. However, one limitation is that users, in the key / interactive schedule, can overwrite the expression-generated string with manual text. This appears correct in one instance, however, all the underlying parameters still have the original data/parameters.


While I have several Graphic Overrides that look for these properties with custom values, there's still a risk.

My wish is that somehow there is a way to to lock expression-based properties.


ARCHICAD 18-27 | BIMcloud Basic | CI Tools | Grasshopper - Rhino | CloudCompare | Bluebeam

Perth, Australia and Tauranga, New Zealand

Windows 10 Pro | Intel Core i9-9900K @3.60GHZ | 32Gb RAM | 2xSamsung S27F350 1920x1080 60Hz | Nvidia Quadro P2200 (5Gb)


Seconding what @kmitotk has. If we have a property that we want to allow permit overriding. We need to be able to identify that is been overridden in the schedule and through find and select or another ‘audit’ schedule. 

Scott J. Moore | Fulton Trotter Architects | BIM Manager, Associate, Architect
Since AC13 | Current versions AC23.7000 & AC26.5002 | BIMCloud Basic | Python, GDL, VBA, PHP, SQL, CSS
Certified Graphisoft BIM Manger (2022)
Win 10, i9-9900K, 32GB, Quadro P2200, 500GB NVMe

Hi @Josh Verran ,


I haven't tried it yet but plan to give it a go when I next update the template fully, likely for AC28. We're undertaking a pretty major update at the moment to introduce automatic scheduling of house types and various other elements for masterplans.

Lee Hankins
ArchiCAD 4.5 - Archicad 27UKI Apple Silicon 27.2.1
macOS Sonoma (14.5)