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Archicad Roadmap wish

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This may sound a little provocative as a wish

We are all wishing here different things. Mother Graphisoft hears and acts.
It would be nice to know what direction is the next version - versions are heading, so are wishes are more to the point. Its quite irrelevant to wish and wish for something that is not high priority and not make wishes for something that is taking shape to make valuable wishes.

Also a roadmap for AC10 11 12 ..... is not such a sin.
I know that this is wish has less than 0.1% of coming true but i guess many AC users may backit up.
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Ok with votes. ANy comments?
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I'm with you here. I imagine that GS does not want to hurt 9.0 sales by indicating changes are forthcoming. But I for one would really like GS to generate some excitment and building some momentum for the next version. Hopefully with some major improvements.
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I think Graphisoft gives lots of information about the direction in which they are heading. And I think that the history of past releases and the release of new products tells us more. One thing is for sure, if you look ant the past releases right up to version 9, Graphisoft has demonstrated beyond a doubt that they listen to their users.

I've been involved with Graphisoft for a long time. Over that period they have always indicated directions in which they were headed. But they never will promise something for a specific release. Why? Because they evaluate their goals very carefully; because they do not want to release something that's not ready (OK, 8.0 was an exeception ). What they have come up with as a solutions has exceeded my expectations on a regular basis.

I voted that it is important for them to continue to let users know what their goals are. But I also am in favor of their continuing a policy of working toward truly innovative solutions that get released after careful testing.

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Well i dont know if you include v9 to hearing users
After using v9 for some months i have to say that only 2 major features i use all the time. Magnet and text tool.(yes i still have the same frustration for v9 as i had when i first saw what is new in v9). Nothing else would hurt me if i went to 8.1
Oh and less (almost none) crashes but of course that is not a feature.

The reason i posted this is that we post many many wishes but many of them are certainly irrelevant because GS is heading elsewere.

For example , relationships between elements.
If its is in its intentions for v10 we can post more and more wishes towards that direction. What is the meaning of posting and posting just to see that it is not there in v10 v11 and so on.

It would be nice to know general directions.
For me hierarchy is building tools, calculations tools, interface.

For example we keep wishing things about walls. Basic things. Very basic . not fancy things like NUMBS.

I also dont see that giving a roadmap and featuremap for a next version makes a previous version less attractive. The next version wont be for free. It would cost anyway, so skiping a version is not too cost effective.
Of course if the current version is not as appealing as it should then that is another problem.
I am sure that although v8 was a "little" buggy you wouldnt skip it because it introduced so many good and must have features.

****... i am grining again. Any prescription for that? (doctor said smthg about a v10 pill but i cannt find it in the local market )

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Maybe Graphisoft could indicate what is ABSOLUTELY not in the plan.. EVER!.. that way we don't dream in-vain, misdirected dreams..
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
What a novel idea. While we're at it why don't we send AutoDesk a memo on where we are headed so that they can actually get a headstart on copying us this time?

And maybe Intel can tell AMD what they are working on and Apple could announce to Microsoft what they are planning for their next release. I'm sure Ferrari would be more than willing to discuss their upcoming strategies with Renault.

I would be so bold as to say that if the only benefits you have found between AC8.1 and AC9 is the Quick Select tool and the Text tool, then you aren't even close to using this program to it's fullest potential.

Maybe a quick review of the New Features guide would prove enlightening?

Good luck,
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Link wrote:
And maybe Intel can tell AMD what they are working on
We know what there are working on. More power.
We also know about IMB cell chip. And we also know a roadmap of many projects.

I didnt say to give exact details but directions.

I also know that they wont do it
But i also know that many many issues are very basic and they should have been added many versions ago.

Archicad is not a ripe product yet. And it wont be in the next years because as computer power increases more and more tools will be availiable to the architect..