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As-is Option Status for the Placed Hotlink


Once a module is placed, all of the elements within will lose their original Option Status settings. You can choose to place into Main Model or any desired Option. This feature is great, I love it, but in some cases I wish to keep all of the elements' option status settings as they originally were in the "live" model where they were saved from.

I understand that this setting is something like the Master Layer of the hotlink, it refers to the whole hotlink, but each element retains its original layer no matter what master layer you choose. I wish the same for Option settings.

Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 10.12.54.png

 ↑ This is where I want an as-is option.


Thank you for listening! 🙂

macOS 16, ArchiCAD 27 (USA)
first ArchiCAD: 6.5