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Post your wishes about Graphisoft products: Archicad, BIMx, BIMcloud, and DDScad.

Bimx. A toggle button between the fly and walk mode

A small wish that could help many bimx users I think...
Beside the keybord shortcuts, It would be more practical to have an easy way to access the fly or the walk mode through the interface.

This could also be extended to some other features ( perspective vs orthographic mode sun on/off)

AC12_20 |Win10_64bit|
Not applicable
What is so hard about hitting F on the keyboard? If you move the mouse you change the view target.
Hi S2art,

Well, for anyone who is using Bimx frequently it may be easy to use the shortcut F or any other shortcuts( no doubt about that ).

For a client, who is using the software for the first time, it's another thing I think. YES, we may say the client has to do the effort of reading the control commands menu. but I still think that some aspects could easily be accessible through the UI as the one mentioned here.

Not to mention that I've seen at least one Virtual explorer with this feature.
AC12_20 |Win10_64bit|
Jeff Kogut

I'd like this back, the F key for Fly mode (while in Gamer mode).  This seems to have been removed from the latest BIMx viewer.  I am now stuck on the ground unless I jump out of Gamer mode and right-click and pan around, ugh.  This is on a pc.


VERY annoying and silly when trying to show a client the model and I can't even hardly move around. 

AC19-23 | Win10 Pro | i7-8700K | Quadro P600 | 500gb 960 EVO M2 | Dual 28" 4k Samsung U28E590

Hi Jeff,


Thank you very much for raising this issue.


You are right, the F button has different function in the BIMx Desktop and Desktop Legacy versions, it is the Fullscreen shortcut now. If you would like to exit the Gamer Mode please use the G key instead, which will bring you to Fly mode immediately. For more information about the shortcuts please visit this site.


Please note that the BIMx Desktop Viewer basic Navigation's default  "external" system turns to an "internal" system once the camera is inside the bounding box of the complete 3D model. This means that above any Element in the 3D Model the camera view changes/moves and outside the bounding box the model itself moves (you can rotate the whole model).


I understand that this change might be confusing, thus I added a wish to bring the old function back. Thank you for highlighting this topic.


Kind regs,

Norbert Kucsma


Technical Support Engineer, Technical Support Team

Norbert Kucsma

Technical Support Engineer

Hi Jeff,


I just noticed that the link does not work, here you can find the Navigation shortcuts.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Kind regs,

Norbert Kucsma


Technical Support Engineer, Technical Support Team

Norbert Kucsma

Technical Support Engineer

Hi Norbert, 


It seems actuall functionality is now missing. There is no toggle or key command to 'fly'. Users can no longer move vertically in space without directing their view upwards, while the 'V' key allows you to move down. 

Can we just have the 'Fly' options back? This all seems needlessly overcomplicated while reducing movement and control. Am I missing a command to move 'up' vertically in space on PC? 


Just having a quick look at the Desktop Viewer, it seems 'E' is the keyboard shortcut for walk/fly.

'Page Up' & 'Page Down' keys will move you vertically when in fly mode (not walking).



One of the forum moderators.
Versions 6.5 to 27
i7-10700 @ 2.9Ghz, 32GB ram, GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB), Windows 10
Lenovo Thinkpad - i7-1270P 2.20 GHz, 32GB RAM, Nvidia T550, Windows 11

Hi Barry, 


Thanks for the response. I have tried this now on multiple computers and reviewed the page on controls but, 'Page Up' and 'Page Down' do not work as 'fly mode' once did.

In Gamer Mode, the buttons work as forward and backwards commands, and in Walk Mode they allow you to look up or down but not move vertically. 

Whereas the V key will still move you vertically downwards.


Hoping on a PC with the old BIMx version with Fly Mode works well and is intuitive. 


Are you able to get this to work on your end? is this a problem only at our office? Some deep nested setting?



This is the desk top viewer I have.



I checked updates and it says it is up to date.


In walk mode, page up/down do nothing for me.

With walk mode off (fly) it is like an elevator - straight up or down.

'V' is down and 'R' is up - but again only when walk mode is off.


Gamer mode (only works with full screen active) and walk mode are mutually exclusive.

Turn gamer mode on and walk mode is inactive.

Then only the left/right, forward/backward (WASD or arrow keys) work - no elevate up/down.

But I don't have a game controller connected, so not sure if there is a way to fly with that - but I don't think so, there is nothing in the help manual.



One of the forum moderators.
Versions 6.5 to 27
i7-10700 @ 2.9Ghz, 32GB ram, GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB), Windows 10
Lenovo Thinkpad - i7-1270P 2.20 GHz, 32GB RAM, Nvidia T550, Windows 11