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2024 Technology Preview Program

2024 Technology Preview Program:
Master powerful new features and shape the latest BIM-enabled innovations

Post your wishes about Graphisoft products: Archicad, BIMx, BIMcloud, and DDScad.

Graphisoft's involvement

Laci Neda
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni
Dear ArchiCAD Talkers,

Your opinion on what directions ArchiCAD should be developed in the future is very important to us. This is why we set up a "Wishes" section in ArchiCAD Talk and now we are happy to see that it has become one of the most frequently visited section of all.

We would like to encourage you to keep on discussing the proposals and we would also like to assure you that we continuously read the forum and gradually process your wishes. We also encourage you to use the poll feature of the forum (in accordance with Djordje's announcement: ) to show us how important you think a possible new feature is for you. Based on the result of the polls we intend to make a list of the most wanted wishes and keep it updated regularly.

Naturally, we cannot promise you that the next version of ArchiCAD will address all the features you discuss here. But the forum can certainly give us a good overview of topics that you regard important for keeping your workflow efficient. Your opinion will be a very important factor in our decision when planning a new version (but I am sure you will understand that there are a number of other issues that we have to consider, as well).

In certain cases we will let you know which of your feature proposal is currently under consideration and we may take part in your discussions to find out about your exact requirements on the actual topic. Please, help us to refine our plans to get the best possible solution!

Hoping we can build a closer relationship between You and Graphisoft and a product that is more exactly tailored to your needs!

Best Regards,

The 'Graphisoft Wish Department'
Laszlo Vertesi, Gyuri Nyitrai, Laszlo Neda
László Néda
Business Development Manager
Ben Odonnell
Thanks for that.. It's nice to see that GS IS listening
Ben O'Donnell
Architect and CTO at BIMobject®
Get your BIM objects from
Not applicable
Laci wrote:
Dear ArchiCAD Talkers,

Your opinion on what directions ArchiCAD should be developed in the future is very important to us.

I'd like to use this topic to express a feeling that must be shared by many of us : this new forum and the participation and return of Graphisoft employees has been one of the biggest improvement in the last few years regarding the value of ArchiCAD itselfs.

So this is the place to thank publicly Graphisoft for these efforts and encourage them to continue in this new way of interaction with users !

I guess my wish n°99 has been granted : "99. More exchange with Graphisoft people in Budapest - Via ArchiCAD-Talk for exemple... - a great improvement would be the R&D team launching some themes to think about, ask the users what the think and what they would like about specific feature that the R&D is currently remodeling. -> interaction !!! "

One again thank you
Stephen Dolbee
Thanks Laci/Graphisoft!
Just getting acknowledgement that our wishes are seen by you is great. I'm already getting excited about future releases.

Thanks again for listening,
AC19(9001), 27" iMac i7, 12 gb ram, ATI Radeon HD 4850 512mb, OS 10.12.6
Potato Farmer
As a guy who spends a little too much time dreaming about how much more awesome ArchiCAD could be, I'm elated that the people who can make those dreams come true are here, willing to tolerate my ranting, indulge my fantasies, and consider my reasoning.

Thanks for listening!

Geoff Briggs
I & I Design, Seattle, USA
AC7-27, M1 Mac, OS 14.x
Not applicable
I am glad to know that Archicad staff considers our wish list items. I am an Acad Architectural Desktop user just because of comfortability with using Autocad for ten years. I have tried Archicad many times most recently with version 8. I wanted to compare it to ADT and Revit since I am establishing my own business.

My impressions were that Archicad seemed so cluttered and like a collection of different aplets. The sections were slow at updating etc. It is almost like years ago when one would buy say Autocad 14 and Archt T to make it more Architectural. I can't tell how much I am inpressed by Revit, although it seems less flexible in design, although the v6 seems to have matured well.

What I am saying is that I am hoping that in the back lab Graphisoft is developing the Revit killer and that they started it like 3 years ago when
Revit first appeared. I know back then I was blown away, as was Autodesk which bought them.

I really want to be able to use a Mac and hope that we will see a completle revolutionary Archicad X that will skip V9 because it it such a revolution. Come on guys don't rest of the laurels of your legacy cad engine. Create something like a Revit killer. If you build it the installed base will come!

How much longer?

Thanks Graphisoft in advance.
Bob Moore
I belive GS has given us the best software to do our job as designers.

The thing I wish for is more education opportunities for practioners, i.e. being able to learn more of the coplexities that actually makes working easier (smarter). This could be done with web cast so users in more remote locations could take advantage of them.

Have a great tool is of no value if you don'thave the knoledge it takes to use it effectively.
AC 7 - 27

iMac 27"

Mac OS Sonoma 14.0

3.1 GHz 6-Core Intel Core

32 GB 2667 MHz DDR4

Radeon Pro 575X 4 GB
Not applicable
A few years ago a certain European company was sailing along quite well with a good product line, rising to market leaders in their field. Their main competition, an American firm, looked like they had 'dropped the ball and missed the boat'.
More recently the American company leap frogged the competition by taking a high risk, high payoff strategy and investing in revolutionary technologies. Scrambling to match them, the Europeans revealed a derivative approach – the marketplace however is consistently telling them it isn’t good enough. The tables have turned rather quickly and now we see a huge swing in market share back to the Americans. (Obviously the jury is still out on how things will develop, and this is a gross over simplification of a complex story, nevertheless....).

For those of you interested in aviation, you might think of Boeing’s “all new” 787 and Airbus’s response in the A350.

This being an ArchiCAD forum, you might be thinking of Graphisoft and its competitors. It is a broad analogy but there are disconcerting parallels.

I’m not going into a nit-picking comparison, suffice to say, I hope Graphisoft has some forward thinking gurus who are projecting into the future the development of the company software. Having used ArchiCAD over 10 years I am very sceptical of any marketing speak, and as a long-time user I am very concerned to see how/ whether there is real product development that will set the company up well for the future.

A few (immediate) core issues off the top of my head are:
Overhaul the modelling engine to allow for accurate 3D curved surfaces. I’ve written on this before and I see this as a huge limitation even now – currently ArchiCAD’s sections and elevations are facetted approximations of ‘real’ curved objects. As a documentation tool this has been a significant limitation to me.
Multi-threading; Enable use of multiple processors and also the ability to have a number of live processes/palettes etc.
True integration of 3D modelling tools. These could be new and sophisticated – Sketchup has surprised many with simple and clever tools like “push-pull”…
Decent implementation and integration of quality rendering software. Unlike the original 'internal renderer' in ArchiCAD, GS is not coding the rendering software, so the interface with ArchiCAD is what is at stake – sadly Lightworks has proven to be crippled by incorporating an old release and very poor user interface. Ever tried editing materials? Life should not be so hard.
Proper automated tracking of drawing issues/revisions.

etc etc

As I write this I realise the sad part is that the competition is there already in many ways….

Current product releases and new products reveal a lot; are you concerned with current trends?
‘New’ GS change comparison/ tracking software (unbelievably based around DWG format!). ArchiCAD could do with this thinking (refer previous point 5).
Constructor – a reworked ArchiCAD for estimating – surely these two should be far more similar – i.e. shouldn’t such be easily produced in ArchiCAD? Is this new product or just extending potential audience (I’d be interested to know how it is really going).
v.10 boasting a features similar to (other) software, raising the question, “Who is innovating?”



The proof will be in the pudding due sometime soon....
Stress Co_
Laci wrote:
We also encourage you to use the poll feature of the forum (in accordance with Djordje's announcement: ) to show us how important you think a possible new feature is for you. Based on the result of the polls we intend to make a list of the most wanted wishes and keep it updated regularly.
With AC 11 in the near future .... what's the list look like today
Marc Corney, Architect
Red Canoe Architecture, P. A.

Mac OS 10.15.7 (Catalina) //// Mac OS 14.5 (Sonoma)
Processor: 3.6 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9 //// Apple M2 Max
Memory: 48 GB 2667 MHz DDR4 //// 32 GB
Graphics: Radeon Pro 580X 8GB //// 12C CPU, 30C GPU
ArchiCAD 25 (5010 USA Full) //// ArchiCAD 27 (4030 USA Full)
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
Wouldn't hold your breath for an answer Marc, Laci doesn't work at GS anymore!

Merry Christmas!
