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I wish shadow were automatically set to the back!

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I have a wishlist item, I wish the shadows cast would be automatically placed at the bottom of the display order, so that shadow do not obscure/ hide any of my linework. In a related wish, it would be nice if the display order was not related between plan view and sections views, better yet, to even have the display order independent story by story. But, one step at a time I suppose. Does anyone else think this might be helpful?
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Having just worked with a presentation elevation involving shadows, YES! very important. The lines are priority, should always be at front.
Not applicable

Sorry for shouting, but I think this is absolutely essential.

For instance, on the attached screenshot, (which was taken while panning in elevation so as to display all lines prior to releasing pan command and letting shadows fill in), you can see all wall and roof edges as they should be, albeit in hairline weight.

In the attachment on the next post, you can see how the shadow fills have obscured both wall and roof edges, and material surface fills.

I don't know why I keep trying to use shadows, because I am always disappointed by these fundamental errors.

disclaimer: If this issue has been corrected on any of the recent Hotfixes, please let me know. (I have been reluctant to update as I see others are having problems still with new updates, and I'm also not 100% confident in my own technical abilities, with regards installs, updates, system setup etc., so am happy to stay with the devil I know)
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This is the next post, as referenced in the last post....

P.S. 287 views of this wish, and only 9 people have voted. C'mon people, use your democratic right. (And why do 2 people think this is not needed, other than if they never use shadows? Explain yourselves.)
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Yes, this is essential. I find myself using shadows on elevations alot since it is a quick way to get visual depth without spending alot of time fussing with lineweights.

Even better would be if Archicad allowed you to make a color with transparency. Then you could specify the shadows to have transparency and the display order wouldn't matter.

If anyone knows a way to do this please let me know as I'm just a beginner.
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
This is a feature that has been slowly taken away from us since ArchiCAD 9. It is a victim of AC10's new 'real fills' for elevation hatching and shadows.

At least in AC10, we could use % fills to get some transparency for our shadows, but we can't even do that anymore!

Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
Actually, I may have to eat my words here, as I did manage to pull something off in AC11...

Transparent Shadows.jpg
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Is there a fix for this? The yellow fill pattern next to the left hand parapet is where the fill is in shadow in "distant area" of elevation, where "uniform pen for uncut contours" is set to pen 1 (black). Yellow don't look so good on coloured elevations.

Not applicable
This image shows same problem with pens set for output (i.e. black outlines, pens 1-20)
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
Not sure I understand your question, mate. Are you saying it is yellow instead of black, or that you want transparent shadows in the distant area too?

The latter is easy enough (here anyway), just match the settings to be similar to the foreground.
