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2024 Technology Preview Program

2024 Technology Preview Program:
Master powerful new features and shape the latest BIM-enabled innovations

Post your wishes about Graphisoft products: Archicad, BIMx, BIMcloud, and DDScad.

Offset Tool like Autocad

This is the one command I miss most about Autocad. If you don't know what I am talking about then next time you are able to access autocad the select a line, polyline, or polygon and press offset. See how simple it is and can be repeated over and over!

archicad 26.0 US, M2 Macbook Air
Not applicable
The biggest problem I found is that the offset does not work on splines where the autocad one does. I also find the operation for offesting existing lines to be a real pain and really not logical.
Not applicable
I have been trying to get Spell Checker to work on ArchiCAD 10 to no avail. Anyboby out there get it to work?
Mine works fine
Tom Waltz
Stress Co_
Andy wrote:
The biggest problem I found is that the offset does not work on splines where the autocad one does. I also find the operation for offesting existing lines to be a real pain and really not logical.
Workaround: ..... Magic wand the spline with a polyline... offset the polyline.
Marc Corney, Architect
Red Canoe Architecture, P. A.

Mac OS 10.15.7 (Catalina) //// Mac OS 14.5 (Sonoma)
Processor: 3.6 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9 //// Apple M2 Max
Memory: 48 GB 2667 MHz DDR4 //// 32 GB
Graphics: Radeon Pro 580X 8GB //// 12C CPU, 30C GPU
ArchiCAD 25 (5010 USA Full) //// ArchiCAD 27 (4030 USA Full)
The polyline works well for this.

Attached image shows spline (on left) with offset polylines. Can you tell?
Dwight Atkinson
Andy Thomson
Trouble is, producing shoreline setbacks from a complex waterfront - even if every subtlety of the terrain is modeled, 60' in, AC gives some pretty crazy results with polyline traces, and if spline offsets actaually worked as in EvilCad - well, it would just be real nice.
Andy Thomson, M.Arch, OAA, MRAIC
Thomson Architecture, Inc.
Instructor/Lecturer, Toronto Metropolitan University Faculty of Engineering & Architectural Science
AC26/iMacPro/MPB Silicon M2Pro
Not applicable
Interesting discussion I have missed!

Let me post my opinion as a long time AC and AutoCAD user. I have not "switched" from one application to the other - I just learned and used both at the university and using them both up to today. "Switching" brings old working habits into different environment, which is BAD. Like going to the tropics from Scandinavia and bringing woolen gloves instead of swimsuit.

- AC's offset works better than Autocad's. It needs fewer clicks and typing on keyboard to do the same.
- In AC offset is rarely used in a project, which is different from a coastline modelling.
- 90% of offset usage in Autocad is not for tracing a curve at a given distance, but simply for making temporary giudelines for placing other objects and then deleted. In AC there are much better ways to do this and REAL TEMPORARY GUIDELINES!
- Autocad cannot offset splines and ellipses. AC cannot offset splines.
- In AC you can offset ANY contour, made of lines and arcs, which are not a polyline! In Autocad you have to transform them into a polyline and then offset the contour. And making a polyline form a set of lines in Autocad is one of the worst-made and most stupid commands I've ever seen in any CAD application!
- In AC you can offset a closed contour just by clicking inside it! And offset fills too!

Stop looking for the old commands in the new application
Not applicable
I think offset is essential - this is needed for me, for example for drawing masterplans - configuration of pedestrian walk and so on.
Olga_Berd wrote:
I think offset is essential - this is needed for me, for example for drawing masterplans - configuration of pedestrian walk and so on.
You already have Offset. You just have to learn to use it!
Tom Waltz
TomWaltz wrote:
You already have Offset. You just have to learn to use it!
How true.

We all have Archicad. If only we knew how to use it.

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen