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Ribbon User interface


Ribbon User interface. It's not an opinion and I'm not asking for one. ArchiCAD needs Ribbon User interface as an option (turn On/turn Off). That would hurt nobody and would benefit probably half of the ArchiCAD users. The Option to have the access to the most of the tools/pallets in one place. It's 2024, not 2000 anymore. We don't want to stay behind forever. Ribbon, please. Thank you.


This thopic is not about You. It's about ribbon UI (or something similar to that) and about user friendly UI. Imagine, conservative guys like you are able to use UI as it is with no changes and people who are knew to this software wanna have friendly UI with most of the toolbars displayed right after the ArchiCAD installation. Something like in Rhino, 19 toolbars combined in to one. Install the program and start working in seconds. No f.. around, no searching for Menu/Desing/Creative Imaging/Align Texture and so on. Just click the tool group you need, pick the tool and do the job. It's the question of Progress (get more users) or Extinction. It's not about what You feel. But ofcourse, use any software for 3 years and you'll find any tool with your eyes closed...


A great idea to have quick access to all the UI icons. There are so many of them in AC that there probably wouldn’t be enough room on the screen to display them all ? 

Setting up your own work environment with pet pallets is what we currently do. Depending on the tasks we are performing. We would have a different set up for conceptual modeling, design development, documentation, rendering, publishing and the list goes on.


Perhaps you could create a layout of the icons that you are looking at so we can all visualize what you are actually proposing for AC ? In the end if it doesn’t get any attention, it wouldn’t be the first wish not to be implemented hey ?

AC8.1 - AC27 ARM AUS + CI Tools
Apple Mac Studio M1 Max Chip 10C CPU
24C GPU 7.8TF 32GB RAM OS Ventura

The propper way to deal with this issue is to ask the users. GS does some concept designs annd/or prototypes and let us vote on them.


But without a question: AC needs a better interface. Urgently!

Rhinoceros 7 UI (1000 € software):
Rhino 7.jpg

With combined toolbar it is possible to have as many icons/toolbars on the screen as you like without sacrificing screen space. And no radical changes. And people have less to learn. Especialy those who hate the software learning curve and just need to have the job done as fast as possible.


IntelliCAD Ribbon UI (300 €) software:


Classic style UI is so outdated that there is nothing to show.  After installing the software users have almost no tools on the screen. And after they have all the needed toolbars displayed, it's simply a mess. Everyone makes his own mess and then how someone supposed to teach or help to learn the software? Waste of time and productivity.

You asking for a layout of the icons that I use/need. You are asking about classic/existing UI. I need the option to have something like Ribbon UI. And there is no such question when you have Ribbon UI. I use almost all the tools/icons and need the access to anyone of them in half a second. And at the same time don't need to see all of them on the screen at all times. It exhausts the brain. All CAD software is hard enough, projects are hard enough, we need convenience and order.


Please, dont let me being a UI conservative stop you from asking for a ribbon-like interface. And progress. 


While we wait for archicad getting its UI redone, which should happen any of these days,  doing a 2 day  basic training, or even doing some youtube tutorials, can also significantly improve the odds of finding things within the software and thus, productivity.

I agree about finding methods of simplifying the GUI in AC to make it easier to use for all of us. I personally like to click Icons rather than navigate the descriptive drop down menus and sub menus. Trying to set up custom tool bars is not a simple exercise either.


Having come from Chief Architect, they have a system where you have a main function icon tool and related function tool icons that show up after clicking the main Icon. They call it Parent & Child tools.

Here is how it works in CA, please see the video.




I personally need to take more time to set up my personal tool bar system in Archicad. Learning KB shortcuts is also good for speeding up workflow. That is if you have a good memory too ?


AC8.1 - AC27 ARM AUS + CI Tools
Apple Mac Studio M1 Max Chip 10C CPU
24C GPU 7.8TF 32GB RAM OS Ventura

Of course tutorials can improve the odds of finding things. I think the problem is not in finding things, it is more about efficiency. In ideal situation no one should go through the training to find the tools. They sould be all on the desk in the armsreach, not somewhere in another room. Not nexday. Now. That's my wish.

Chief Architect UI looks better than AC, I mean toolbars. In AC, left Design panel is good, right panel with navigator is good, but Menu and toolbars is a mess.

Shortcuts - imagine if you have to work with 5 different software aplications and need to remember the shortcuts for all of them 🙂  Even 3 programs is too much.

@torben_wadlinger wrote:

But without a question: AC needs a better interface. Urgently!

Hey Torben, what parts of the interface don’t you like?

Personally I think it’s light years ahead of Revit e.g.

Not saying there is no room for improvement (we are in dire need of consolidation!) but we surely have bigger problems than a complete overhaul of the UI.

Lucas Becker | AC 27 on Mac | Author of Runxel's Archicad Wiki | Editor at SelfGDL | Developer of the GDL plugin for Sublime Text |
«Furthermore, I consider that Carth... yearly releases must be destroyed»

In CA the tool icons look a bit cartoonish. I think in AC they could do with a bit of tidying up but like @runxel says, they have other more urgent needs to consider also.

AC8.1 - AC27 ARM AUS + CI Tools
Apple Mac Studio M1 Max Chip 10C CPU
24C GPU 7.8TF 32GB RAM OS Ventura