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Post your wishes about Graphisoft products: Archicad, BIMx, BIMcloud, and DDScad.

Slab Edge Materials

Not applicable
Please consider allowing each slab edge to be assigned a different material.
Perhaps similar to the way you already can with beams but obviously slabs can have any number of edges, so the interface would have to be variable to reflect the number of edges the selected slab has.
my bald spot particularly apparent in view from back.
I'm 50. I don't need my beauty sleep.
Dwight Atkinson
Duuuh ...

RayBans milked by sandstorm, sweat marks don't help, therefore: I blundered before, of course you CAN'T assign different materials to roof SIDES. You can only have different top, bottom, sides.

Soory ...

Those 30" screens are good for your eyes ...

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
Not applicable
i've got long hair... no bald spot... but i'm only 26 so there's time yet... not spikey... but archiben, i moved from brisbane to melbourne 5 years ago...

i got excited when you said that you could do what i was wishing for to roof edges Djordje... than i checked and you can't... then i thought "oh maybe it's a 9.0 thing" and now i've seen your correction... oh well it will remain a wish for a bit longer...

guys, excuse my ignorance but what does BIM stand for? If it's what i think it is and you guys are telling me you don't apply a plasterboard material so as not skimp on the extra 10mm, do you also model every single nail and screw... when i made this wish i was more talking about render (stucco for non-aussies?) usually applied to some kind of sheet material... are you implying that i should not only be modelling the wall (stud or block or what ever) and the sheet and the render?
Building Information Model.

There is a lot of debate about how far to take a model, but it generally leads to more rational buildings if you model surface thicknesses - the idea being to make up as little as possible so that in extracting your views, the model is dimensionally correct. We were having a little fun about the tiny slab trimmer wall because it is an extreme and unlikely case.

You wouldn't model screws, but they could be accounted for in the bill of materials by making them relate to the area of wallboard, say.

Composite wall assemblies will allocate the correct materials to your bill of materials without actually being modeled.

If "Render" is what youse call "Stucco," what do you call the process of getting the fat out of an animal?

Let me answer that: Charging him extra for an ArchiCAD Add-On that should have been there in the first place.
Dwight Atkinson