ac27 have been struggling to get consistent workflow on placing items
from a reference point and then key-in a distance. in this example i
want to start placing a line 11 units away from a selected reference
point. i select the line tool and select m...
trying to figure out how to use the complex rectangular shaped object as
a wall. after selecting the complex profile wall option, i don't get the
profile desired. you can see in the foreground snap shot it is smooth
vs. the standard log wall that sho...
i am trying to show the hidden cut elements of beam in a concrete wall
and don't understand which setting will show the hidden line-work of the
beam? i have moved the section marker to determine if that is the
problem but have not solved. i would thi...
any opinions or insight with transfer of structural data between AC27 &
SkyCiv? if there are other structural design software recommendations
please let me know. it will need to be cloud based since we are an iOS
structured system and i would say mos...
does the "radial dimension tool" offer "diameter labeling", i know
sounds like a silly question given the tool name? i assume no and
further assume a text label is used with symbol notation. doing steel
detailing and would like to speed up my process...
thank you both. i am familiar with "distance guides". my gripe is what
barry describes but works inconsistently between different files or the
same file. not sure what is going on but extremely frustrating.
hmmm ok barry appreciate the assistance but that is not what i want to
do and spend unnecessary time stacking. will contact the company out of
Nederland and see if they might offer some insight since they use an
older version of AC and show that in t...
thanks jeff for helping, your screen shot is what i have been typically
using state side. in this case we have a new log profile as shown in my
post working with an outfit in Nederland.
i will try that and see how it will impact the rest of the beams. on
another note, as i was fiddling with layer Intersection group number, by
mistake noticed the change as well.
hi @Lingwisyer - if i select a circle with a unit radius of 10 using the
"radial label tool" it will label it as such, but i need it to recognize
that the diameter is 20 and can label it as a diameter not radius.
looked online but does not appear to ...