since ‎2018-10-30
a month ago

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  • 23 Posts
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I think there is a bug related to interior elevations and elements that are exactly touching the elevation limit. Tested in AC27 (5003 NOR). It seems related to composite building elements and how their cut lines are defined – composite elements seem...
Okay, I give up. I was trying to create the attached stair, this should be an easy task, right? Well, apparently not.Life is too short to keep wrestling the stair tool – so before I just model this using basic elements, any ideas? Regards,david
Is there a way to easily mirror multiple doors (or windows) in place, around the centerpoint of each individual opening? The mirror command always seems to require an axis, and so you have to do this operation one door at a time. The closest I can ge...
Hi, I have a problem with certain T-intersections where one wall (for instance an internal load-bearing concrete wall) extends halfway into the core of an exterior wall (8" timber framing with 200 mm insulation). Working with building materials I can...