I have to beams acting up when a third one is cutting throug: This is a
part of a roof: Two gurters and a loadbearing beam... I guess the image
speaks for itself? So - bug or feature? .Kamelite
How come the surveypoint moves whenever the angle is changed? (I do
believe it only happens when the survey point is moved from 0,0) I'm
sure there is a reason, but what is the reason? .Kamelite
I'm trying to set up a GO that displays framework in 2D. Coloumns are
shown as I want them to, but beams do not, This is the GO for this
particular view: In 3D - everything looks as it should. The only
explanation iI can think of is that the column i...
When I create a flat roof, and alter the angle in 3D, the change is
reflected in the Roof Height and Pitch window. But when I alter the
gableheight of a gabled roof, using elevate ridges, it doesn't reflect
the changes. Bug or intended? .Kamelite
In similar cases I have made the beams from complex profiles. I make the
profile with a little rounded-off corner in all four corners, more or
less like real life. Either as an arch or just cut the corner straight
off, bouth vill do the trick. Althou...
Is this what you need? This is made entirely by using expressions, and
can easily be put in a schedule. I have not been able to remove the last
40mm, it seems to be the space between the element and the stud....
Tried setting that distance to Zero, a...