since ‎2022-08-14

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  • 81 Posts
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In IFC 4.3 TC2 official version the usage of IfcBuildingElementProxy with predefined type PROVISIONFORVOID is now deprecated, but we are unable to set it to the recommended Entity: IfcVirtualElement.PROVISIONFORVOID. I also would like to use it with ...
Hello, I would like to purchase a Developer licence. I changed office and there is no licence abundance... In the developer portal there is a checkbox "Order Developer Licence", which I clicked. What should happen then? I haven't been contacted for m...
Hallo,ich habe jetzt einige meiner eigenen Datenmanagement Skripte für Archicad in eine brauchbare Bedieneroberfläche verpackt und werde sie bald zur Verfügung stellen: Dieses Python-Dienstprogramm automatisiert einige Aufgaben, die in Archicad sehr ...
Hello, I have now wrapped some of my own data management scripts for Archicad into a usable interface and will soon make it available:   This Python utility streamlines some tasks that are very time consuming in Archicad, such as: Calculate Units' ar...
I am trying to set elements' values to their defaults: be it undefined, expression, or value. Whatever is in the Attribute Manager for the property definition. For clarifying, by default will look like this upon selection: default undefined value def...