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Cadimage tools. Can I get them?

Ernest Atanasiu
I try to dowload the cadimage tools from here: "http://www.cadimagetools.com/home.php?page=download" and all i get is 0 size zip files. I registered myself on the site, but still no luck.

Any cadimage person around?

I just want to try them, they look nice.
arch. ernest atanasiu
AC 10-26 INT/GER/FR on Win 10/ Win 11
Not applicable
Hi there
Can you post me an email to toolsupport@cadimagetools.com.
And tell me which download you were after, what ArchiCAD platform 9 or 10, and if you are using Mac/PC. Also the email you used to logon to our site. Then I'll check things out from our end.

Ernest Atanasiu
thank you, I will.
arch. ernest atanasiu
AC 10-26 INT/GER/FR on Win 10/ Win 11
Not applicable
The cadimage tools are in a bit of a mess at the moment. Its like they half updated the tools for version 10 and just left the other half. This is a huge problem with cadimage. Once you move to a new version of archicad the tools become obsolete. Until this get resolved we refuse to use their door and window builder. Its just too frustrating
I think that's the case with any 3rd party add-on.
Tom Waltz
I use all of cadimage's V10 tools and have no major issues. What problems are you having in particular
AC27 i9 11900K / 128G ram / GTX 3090 / D5 Render
We've use most of the CadImage tools and have no problems with any of them. Our queries (yes, we still have some because they are not perfect) get responded to in reasonable time. I don't know what 'mess' they're in - it is certainly not affecting us.
Cornelis (Kees) Wegman

cornelis wegman architects
AC 5 - 26 Dell XPS 8940 Win 10 16GB 1TB SSD 2TB HD RTX 3070 GPU
Laptop: AC 24 - 26 Win 10 16GB 1TB SSD RTX 3070 GPU
Not applicable
don't purchase.you get zero support!!
Mark wrote:
don't purchase.you get zero support!!
i've always found them pretty good at finding and sorting out problems.

they have had a huge change around recently with cadimage solutions becoming 'graphisoft new zealand' and establishing the new, separate 'cadimage tools' division . . . along with new websites for each. with that and the NZ holiday season only just over you could be forgiven for thinking they have gone into hibernation, but they are all still alive and well and answering queries that i have had . . .

give it another go? support@cadimagetools.com

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Not applicable
OK I just sent the following to cadimage support:
This is my third correspondence concerning the site and massing tool add-on that I purchased from your company. Evidently, I cannot get the settings I need to use this add-on in the US. I need the line text to read in standard US survey Bearings such as N 14º 12’ 17” E. Also, I need the boundary line to read in decimal feet such as 150.7’ rather than meters. I don’t recall when I purchased this add-on that it was limited to New Zealand standards. What relief can you offer me?

If I get an answer this time I will retract my comment about the support at cadimage or maybe you can use your pull with the company to get an answer for me. That could work... Thank You Achiben