About Archicad's documenting tools, views, model filtering, layouts, publishing, etc.

Building Together 10/2023 - The bits we don't talk about...


So a big improvement over last years launch, and nice to see a coherent strategy, however much I disagree with the bloating of AC by other disciplines. A few answers in the Q&A were given the usual non comital "we're working on it". But the one area that really troubles me amongst all these different software data exchange opportunities is the complete lack of engagement on the basics. It's no good having fancy data sharing ecosystems when the user is faced with poorly maintained and under developed basic CAD functionality. The addition of the Search function has been a positive step, but over many years there have also been multiple requests to simplify & improve the basics. Simply posting your request is WISH-13202 doesn't really offer a lot of reassurance.


@Marton Kiss When are Graphisoft going to start noticeably fixing the bugs and delivering the many basic improvements that are regularly requested on this forum?

Apple iMac Intel i9 / macOS Sonoma / AC27UKI (most recent builds.. if they work)

@Marton Kiss 

Hi Marton,

First off, thank you for honouring your pledge in the BT event to respond on the forum, that alone should give a sense of hope to those who feel ignored by GS in their requests.


I don't think anyone is questioning the generally successful upgrading to AC27 that you have set out above, but this is also a classic politicians answer that fails to address the root question in the opening post. Was it drafted by Janos by any chance?


I have no doubt in the big picture that your stewardship is delivering significant development on the multi-disciplinary / collaboration front, but there is little point to such ambitions if the day-to-day use of the program is a slog and full of frustrations due to a poorly planned user work environment and unnecessarily complex tools. Perhaps you could assemble a development team to address the frustrations of that much overlooked discipline that is the core user, the one that has to add their annotation with three different ways of editing text, that places section source marks that duplicate their IDs!, that has to produce details with a detail tool that destroys all the BIM data, that produce 3D Documents where dimensioning is best described as difficult, that struggle with groups because over the last 20 years no-one tackled the instancing issue and all whilst trying to use Dark Mode with graphics that are unreadable, (How does that get past QA?). I'm sure there are plenty of other points that could be raised. If that gives you even a glimmer of how frustrating working in AC has become, then perhaps you can begin to understand that something needs to be done urgently to upgrade the core program.


You want to achieve Product Success? Start creating a relevant and accessible environment where people want to work, not one drowning in infinite possibilities of different disciplines that only a minority understand or need.


Thanks again for responding, perhaps you could come back with something a bit more substantive to reassure those following this thread that doesn't rely on long term belief that GS will eventually deliver any core improvements?


Regard from Scotland,


Apple iMac Intel i9 / macOS Sonoma / AC27UKI (most recent builds.. if they work)

Application proof readers could drill down to a more finer level on existing features to make them work as they should. Yes the other products need to be supported but Archicad is the core component and should have at least 75% of the focus from the GS development team. When you get the balance right it works out well for everyone. Yes Terrain is on the list but it should be brought to the top along with other things that should have been addressed many versions ago. Get the tidying up and proof reading work done and the rest will flow naturally.

AC8.1 - AC28 ARM AUS + CI Tools
Apple Mac Studio M1 Max Chip 10C CPU
24C GPU 7.8TF 32GB RAM OS Sequoia

Thank you for your response Marton, appreciated.


How about this then:

Give us, the long time AC users and forum memebers the chance to put together and present to you and GS the top 5 to 10 issues that we have been continously asking to be addressed, and which have not been. Some of them VERY BASIC.


We are not part of the internal scoring, we are on the coal face, using AC as a tool for our professional careers, slogging through the work arounds and clumsily implemented features that get introduced and then never rectified when we give feed back and point out the issues and short falls.
