We had saved a file yesterday but today it could not be opened, neither the .bpn could be opened. It also failed to repair.
on duplicating the .bpn it turned to 3.4GB (from 2.4 GB original size), While running the disk utility, it showed that 3.4GB bpn with 'incorrect block count'
(Here the .pln file was showing approx 240 mb only)
Dear Technical admin, Should i create a support package and send it to you? to see what can we do. Thank you.
Dhaval Shah
Upto AC 22
iMacs and MacBookPros: Mac OS X (10.6 to 10.12, Intel core 2 Quad to i5, i7, 8 GB to 16GB)
Win 10, AMD Opteron 6-Core x 2, 16GB, FirePro W4100 2GB
& ThinkPad E550
& i7, 8GB