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Custom Door Marker Not Updating Properly

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I am working on a custom door marker that Displays the ID of the door alonng with the 2 custom values set in the door... Door Type and Frame Type. All is fine and good, I am using the REQUEST and getting "ASSOCLP_PARVALUE" to retrieve the values from the door. The problem arises when I make a change to one of the values. It doesn't update the marker, at least not right away. The marker updates if I open the door and click okay. So I am assuming that there is an execution order issue. I first had the requests in the Master Script. I then moved them to the Parameter Script without any luck. Does anyone know where these shoulde be so that changes are reflected imediately? One of the strangest things is that the Door ID doesn't update imediately either. It requires a second OK of the Door.
Not applicable
Well, I figured it out. I was setting all the requested parameters to another parameter that I was using to display. The marker was going to have the ability to customize what information is shown where on the marker.