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ArchiCAD 19 - Update 4011 - Major Bug with node dragging

Since the latest update I've been experiencing a bug in AC19 where when grabbing and dragging a node on an object, wall, or anything, it will instead start the dragging from the nearest gridsnap point - with gridsnap turned off. After 2 or 3 tries, it does finally grab the node correctly for editing.

Similarly, with a spline, when I grab one end of the spline to drag, Archicad instead grabs the node from the other end of the spline to drag. This also corrects itself after 2 or 3 attempts.

Obviously this makes it nearly impossible to make quick and accurate adjustments to items in the project and it's driving me nuts!

Anyone else experiencing this find a fix?
AC 6-27 - Intel i9-9900K - RTX3090 - Windows 11 - 64GB RAM
No problem here, dragging a wall or spline.
Working just fine.
Architectural construction designer, draftsman, modeller
ArchiCAD 25.
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni

It sounds similar to the issues being investigated here:

I will PM you with some instructions to make a screen-recording and where to upload it to us. The recording will help us better understand if the issue is the same as what we are currently looking into.

Best regards,
Nicholas Cornia
Technical Support Team - GRAPHISOFT North America
ARCHICAD on Twitter
Not applicable
Yes, I will speak at least to the spline issue. Apart from my recent complaint thread about some weirdness with extending polyline lengths I did notice the bizarre behaviour with the nodes switching on the splines. But then I can only complain about one thing at a time.

Next time I'll also have to remember to include some hyperbole like "MAJOR" or "SERIOUS" in the title next time. Very eye catching.
Eduardo Rolon
I have seen this problem with Walls in my projects.
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC28 US/INT -> AC08

Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
another Moderator

Brad Elliott
Same problem. As far as I can tell it can be with any object, wall, line etc.
Mac OS12.6 AC26 USA Silicon
M1 Macbook Pro
Not applicable
ArchiCAD 19 is riddled with these bugs, everyone in my office is complaining to me about them. It is absolutely horrible working in ArchiCAD now, it has effectively been ruined.

Dragging a line/object by default instead of dragging a node (stretching) with no option on the pet palette to change. Forcing you to deselect/escape and select the node again.

When cmd-clicking points to add dimensions to a dimension chain - Dimensioning to the exact position of the cursor instead of the snapped point, producing random dimensions with no way of knowing that is has done this.

Having to wait a glacial amount of time to copy a tiny amount of 2D data to the clipboard.

Labels - where do I start? Could you have ballsed these up any more?

All of these things have a cumulative effect where your flow is constantly interrupted to the point where you are always thinking about the mechanics of using ArchiCAD and not designing/drawing like you should be. If there was a swear box in my office I could have cashed it in and gone travelling for a year, which would have been a welcome break from using ArchiCAD.

Absolutely no discernible increase in speed, doing anything. Quite the opposite.

I've been using ArchiCAD exclusively since 1998, version 6.5. This is the worst update ever and it's ruining my professional life.

Sort it out.
Not applicable
My post about the slowness of the Reference Trace on a great job deleted. I say that wrong?
Can we know when exactly out new improvements after 4011?
It must be recognized until AC19-4011 still leaves a lot of bugs.
Need to express honestly how these improvements immediately released.
Remember a time when I and all of us will work full time, There is a problem especially in the declining performance of the Reference Trace on a great job is something quite vital.
How to anticipate it?
Brad Elliott
Steve, I am also having dimensioning issues. I now have a project where it is impossible to create a dimension chain through 4 walls. 2 of the walls always drop the dimensions. So I can dimension any 2 walls but not more. This happened to existing dimension strings so now I have to go through and check all my dimensions and discovered that several of them are no longer attached to any element but are just static dimensions. This could become an error that can cost me a lot of money and not just lost productivity.

At this point ArchiCAD needs to issue an official downgrade from 4011 for those not using El Capitan (with it's own pile of bugs) or Windows 10 so that we can be productive until they can do proper quality control on the next update.

For the labels the one thing I discovered is that the label behaves differently depending on whether you select it by the body or the leader. Once I trained myself for that difference I now am warming to the new labels.
Mac OS12.6 AC26 USA Silicon
M1 Macbook Pro
@Steve > which operating system are you using - might have over read it, but an update to your signature would help.

We notice that the last 2 posters use the very latest OS's which is always problematic in our experience.

In our case of working with Apple hardware we are also in a bit of a bind as the very latest iMacs can no longer be downgraded to OSX 10.10 Yosemite, we have decided to postpone new hardware purchases and hang on to AC18 until we are confident AC19 runs smoothly on OSX 10.11 El Capitan.
Design Technology Managers.
All  on macOS | since AC 6

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