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Curtain Wall flat in 3D, can't see mullions or frames

Not applicable
Could someone please help me, I'm working on a project with a Transom-Mullion glass facade, and I used a curtain wall to make it in Archicad.

It looks alright in 2D, but in 3D it is completely flat!
I can see the lines of the frames when I'm standing still, but when I move around in "Explore" the wall has absolutely no lines along the frames, and the wall looks thin as paper, no matter how much I change the settings.

I tried copying a 3 Dimensional curtain wall from another project, but when I pasted it, it became 2D!
So I don't think the settings in the curtain wall itself is wrong, there's something wrong in the viewing settings in 3D or something.
Has anyone gotten any idea what's wrong?

Screen Shot 2016-06-22 at 14.54.04 copy2.jpg
Erwin Edel
You are using a model view option where the curtain wall options is set to schematic.
Erwin Edel, Project Lead, Leloup Architecten

Windows 10 Pro
Adobe Design Premium CS5
Not applicable
Thank you so much!! It worked! You made two stressed out architecture students very very happy