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Interior Elevation: I need some help

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I am trying to create interior elevations of my current project--a 2 story residence. I've read the ArchICAD 8 manual and followed the instructions for creating an interior elevation. Unfortunately, nothing shows up in the interior elevation window. A dialog box show that an interior elevation is being generated but nothing shows up in the window. I've tried zoom to extents but nothing shows up.

I've checked with my co-worker and he has only had limited success with the interior elevation feature. He tried creating one in my project but could not get it to work.

Is there some setting that needs to be adjusted to get interior elevations to work? Could somebody give me a tip or instructions on how to get interior elevations to work?
Thank you,
John Cassel
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before put on plan the int. elev obj. make shure than the zone height of this room is the real one
the interior elev created will have the zone height and if it is a 0 ,00 m zone you will have a 0,00 elevation
good look
Not applicable
Good point. I did check to make sure that my zone height matched the height of the walls (9'-6" in both cases). I even tried creating a new project with four simple walls, a door and a couple of windows. I couldn't get the interior elevation to work in that project either.
Ben Odonnell
Make sure that, under you options, you have the following maked, see image, otherwise you won't see any elements.

Hope this helps.
Ben O'Donnell
Architect and CTO at BIMobject®
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johncassel wrote:
I am trying to create interior elevations of my current project--a 2 story residence.
On top of all the good advice you already got:

Make SURE that the zones are updated. When generating th einterior elevations, make sure that you select the zones AND the interior elevation markers at the same time.

If you have any curved walls, then good luck ... it might work, it might not.


Use the Elevation type S/E tool with limited reach and height for interior elevations. More work to set up, MUCH less work to dimension and clear up later. Also, you can use the Distant area option for further elements.


ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
Not applicable
Your tip on selecting both the zone and the interior elevation marker did the trick.
I do not think that this is clear in the manual of the help topic on interior elevations.
I am going to play with creating and editing the interior elevations. I noticed that the normal tools do not seem to be avalible in the generated interior elevation. The manual says that the interior elevations can be cut and pasted to a Plan or Section/Elevation window. Is that it? Does this tool only generate a snapshot of the current elements? If that is the case then I will probably go ahead and generate limited Elevations of the interiors. A least those can be dimensioned, edited and updated.
Thank you for getting me started.
johncassel wrote:
I am going to play with creating and editing the interior elevations. I noticed that the normal tools do not seem to be avalible in the generated interior elevation.
That is because they are objects.
The manual says that the interior elevations can be cut and pasted to a Plan or Section/Elevation window. Is that it? Does this tool only generate a snapshot of the current elements?
Yes, and updates them as needed - which does exactly nothing for the stuff that you copied and pasted. Very un-Virtual Building like. A good tool with completely wrong implementation.
If that is the case then I will probably go ahead and generate limited Elevations of the interiors. A least those can be dimensioned, edited and updated.
... and, most importantly, they are alive all the time - Virtual Building, remember?
Thank you for getting me started.

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen