About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

My First Reall Wall Non-Cleanup Concern

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My corner...just this refusing to clean-up..the walls are the same wall, really, and they used to clean up so I don't know what gives. If I apple-I (intersect, right) them, one just LAPS over the other; if I alter the display order, the lapping changes. The only maybe-clue I have is that one of the walls gets three pink edit-dots when I select it, and the other gets but two--perhaps indicative of some other difference? I dunno...quite weird...many thanks, as always, for troubleshooting hints...

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In addition to my inability to spell, I perhaps post too quickly. In typing my question, I deriverd a potential solution, and lo, and behold, it worked. My hope now is that someone will see this and be able to learn from it! Hope I'm not cluttering y'alls lives's the answer...
the three pink dots indicates an offset for positioning the wall. One had no offset, the other, a 1-1/4" offset. Why they couldn't heal up, still dunno, but changing one so that both had the same offset set it up to work immediately.
thanks for your patience...!
Are they on the same layer? If so, is that layer's intersection number 0? If not, do the two layers have the same intersection number?

You may also want to check to see if any elements on a layer turned off have the same layer intersection number as one these walls are on.
Tom Waltz
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um... nvrmind.... (dang .... tuff crowd)
Ian wrote:
Try hitting (F7 on a win machine - clean wall/beam intersection mode on/off)
I just turned mine 'off' and it did what your describing.

Thats the first place i would start.

Ian, if you read his problem you would realize that he said "ONLY" that one connection has a problem. Your solution is global and would affect ALL walls.

It's great that you're new to the community and want to help, but try to make sure your answer is at least relevant to the problem at hand.
Tom Waltz
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Zobi wrote:
In addition to my inability to spell, I perhaps post too quickly. In typing my question, I deriverd a potential solution, and lo, and behold, it worked. My hope now is that someone will see this and be able to learn from it! Hope I'm not cluttering y'alls lives's the answer...
the three pink dots indicates an offset for positioning the wall. One had no offset, the other, a 1-1/4" offset. Why they couldn't heal up, still dunno, but changing one so that both had the same offset set it up to work immediately.
thanks for your patience...!
Zobi wrote:
Zobi wrote:
In addition to my inability to spell, I perhaps post too quickly. In typing my question, I deriverd a potential solution, and lo, and behold, it worked. My hope now is that someone will see this and be able to learn from it! Hope I'm not cluttering y'alls lives's the answer...
the three pink dots indicates an offset for positioning the wall. One had no offset, the other, a 1-1/4" offset. Why they couldn't heal up, still dunno, but changing one so that both had the same offset set it up to work immediately.
thanks for your patience...!
That's sursprising, since usually the reference lines just need to hit each other, not be the same!
Tom Waltz
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You know, Tom, maybe that was it...! I changed the wall with 0" offset to match the 1.25" offset, and then promptly moved it 1.25" back to its original location...hence, the reference lines nipped up tightly at the corner. So that criterion was met, right there; however, it is still puzzling that when I "intersected" them with the apple-I command, they refused to do so, as clearly, the reference lines themselves would any case, thank you for your input!
Intersect should clean the walls up; I don't see in your screnshot that the ref lines join. So, use the F7 as Ian advised to check the ref lines, match them, go back. See what happens.

Another case might be that your walls are of different height or at different elevation - check it in 3D.

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
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All, and Djordge of last post:
The prev. wall problem is solved, but I ran into this one, which is similar. I've checked all of those variables, and all looks good in all regards, and it actually views perfectly in 3D. But, weird. I'll send a 2nd post with the ref lines. Thank you~