2006-02-02 01:06 AM
2006-10-11 09:38 PM
2006-10-11 09:42 PM
Bruce wrote:I wouldn't hold my breath.....
Go Revit!
It's stairbuilder equivalent is FAR superior. I cringe every time I have to create a stair in ArchiCAD. I just hate it because every single tool available is inadequate. When will Graphisoft address this issue?
2006-10-11 11:57 PM
2006-10-12 07:48 AM
Bruce wrote:There's been a lot of talk. Perhaps if they take my advice on the assembly editor we'll see some real action.
Well, they should
If I was starting up my own practice I would probably go for Revit - and one of the main reasons is its stair builder.
2006-10-12 09:05 PM
2006-10-14 03:10 PM
Haneef wrote:I was wrong about not having to upgrade .
What I like about Stairbuilder is that its an editable gdl object and not a plug in, which means I could use it in future versions of archicad
2006-10-16 07:25 PM
2007-03-04 09:36 PM
2007-03-04 09:59 PM
2007-03-04 10:31 PM