Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.
2006-10-16 12:47 PM
2006-10-16 03:00 PM
2006-10-17 12:49 AM
nsiter wrote:well said! i hope that graphisoft are out there listening to their users before i becomes to late . . .
This is just a general comment on the new version.
2006-10-17 01:17 AM
~/archiben wrote:You have my support also, maybe we could start a class action. Our local reseller is afraid to pick the phone up when I call. But I'm also afraid that we will not see anything positive from GS. If the WE was not available, 10 would have been resigned to the round file. As you may guess this may have been my last investment in GS.nsiter wrote:well said! i hope that graphisoft are out there listening to their users before it becomes too late . . .
This is just a general comment on the new version.
2006-10-17 01:55 AM
Rod wrote:oooh! did you not read the license agreement?!
... maybe we could start a class action.
Archicad wrote:and my favourite part . . .
Although Graphisoft has tested the Software, the Software is sold "AS IS," without any warranty; expressed or implied, as to its conformity to or fitness for any particular purpose, or that the Software will perform uninterrupted and without errors. ....
Archicad wrote:"who me?"
In no event shall Graphisoft be liable for any loss or damages whatsoever, including but not limited to loss of data, damages for lost income, business interruption, loss of business information, or other special, incidental, consequential, exemplary, multiple, or indirect damages or other pecuniary loss, arising from the use or misuse of the Software, or otherwise under this Agreement, even if Graphisoft or its employees, resellers, or agents have been advised or should have known of the possibility of such damages.
Archicad wrote:good stuff, eh?
This Agreement DOES NOT give you the right to any technical support for, or upgrades to, the Software which Graphisoft may offer from time to time. Graphisoft may, at its option and as part of its sales policy, make such technical support and upgrades available to registered users of the Software under terms to be determined from time to time by Graphisoft or its distributors.
2006-10-17 02:52 AM
2006-10-17 02:57 AM
TomWaltz wrote:that's a relief! i may get a scratch on my disk image!
Ben's got a point. By using the software, you agreed the only warranty GS owes you is on the CD the software came on.
2006-10-17 03:01 AM
~/archiben wrote:Read the Microsoft Visual Studio EULA some time.... basically you are not allowed to develop a product that competes with anything they make!TomWaltz wrote:that's a relief! i may get a scratch on my disk image!
Ben's got a point. By using the software, you agreed the only warranty GS owes you is on the CD the software came on.
to be fair though, this kind of limited warranty is not just a graphisoft thing: all major software vendors (and other service providers) state pretty much the same thing. a result of litigious cultures being allowed to grow with little regulation over the years . . .
2006-10-20 10:05 AM
nsiter wrote:Sing it loud, brother!
This is just a general comment on the new version.
2006-10-20 02:31 PM