Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

Project data & BIM
About BIM-based management of attributes, schedules, templates, favorites, hotlinks, projects in general, quality assurance, etc.

Layout Title Block Information

Not applicable
i am in the process of setting a office start plan template for my firm
i have created about 3 different layers for just our title-block information and all these layer are turned in our different layer combination so when i switch from model to paper space all of my company info is displayed. my question is should just put all of my company titile block information on the general Archicad Layer that is always visible.
Not applicable
s2art wrote:
Just had a quick look, correct me if I'm wrong...

So in Layout mode you change the Layout Layer combo and it changes all layouts? What was puzzling me was that there is no mention of the Layer combo in the layout's settings, I suppose because it is a global setting and not individual to each layout.
Yep, that's right. It's a manual and global setting. It doesn't really make sense for the layouts but it might be nice if we could assign layer combos to publisher sets (or items).
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
Makes perfect sense to me. You can switch stamps (eg. 'PRELIMINARY' stamps) on and off, architectural stamps, or any title block info. In fact I had one client who would switch between horizontal and vertical titleblocks depending on the size and shape of his buildings.

I think a good improvement would be to have the option to see only model layers and layer combos in the model views and layout layers and layer combos in the layout view. That would seem more intuitive to me.

Then if we could create publishing sets with stored layer combos, the whole process would be more stable. That's a dream that's up there with the ability to clone View Folders, Layout Subsets and Publishing Sets. Wouldn't that be slick?
