2010-07-13 10:06 AM
2010-07-19 01:34 PM
Kristian wrote:I guess the Section thing comes from an earlier version of ArchiCAD.
Each detail has its own section so that the scale can be set independently.
Then each of those sections are setup in the view map, making it easier to index and find the details.
2010-07-19 03:08 PM
2010-07-19 05:19 PM
2010-07-20 12:17 AM
2010-07-20 09:43 AM
2010-07-27 12:25 AM
2010-11-29 11:00 PM
Brett wrote:Brett, I didn't quite get your meaning. Is this a wish? Or is it already possible to do these things that you mention?
Both Ben's and Eric's ways highlight the over worked way of doing something simple
How I would like it is having your external Library of .mods in a folder structure. When importing them into your project, AC AUTOMATICLY sets up a detail view with the same name,scale in the project. Then you just drag into Layout. Pure and simple.
Also this way you can tweak that detail for that project and it does not effect any other project. You can then save these tweaks out to your Library if you need them again.
And as I said earlier, for Details that don't need changing in the project, being able to place .mods as drawings straight into the Layout would again be simple.
2010-11-29 11:15 PM
Ben wrote:Ben, when you drag and drop your mod files into ArchiCAD, do you create an independent detail prior to drag and drop? Do you drag and drop into the layout? If so, how do you do the detail title?
To continue the Western Australian theme (the finest users of ArchiCAD since 4.5)
this is what we do.
1. have a dedicated .pln with every detail in a detail view at different scales
2. Each detail is saved as a view
3. We have a publisher set - exporting the views as .mod files to a place on the server. MOD files will show in the windows navigator like the .dwg's in Laszlo's screen shot with out anything else installed!!
4. The details are then selected graphically and dragged and dropped into ArchiCAD.
Easy to setup and maintain. Easy to use. (very similar to using Autosketch blocks). You can also create modules for other things. For example, standard carports, complete with roof, ceiling, piers, dimensions, notes... everything - just drag and drop the .mod file onto your ArchiCAD file. Its very handy.
Hope this helps.