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2024 Technology Preview Program

2024 Technology Preview Program:
Master powerful new features and shape the latest BIM-enabled innovations

Post your wishes about Graphisoft products: Archicad, BIMx, BIMcloud, and DDScad.

A Proper User Forum


Personally I am over this forum format. It doesn't deliver what I want as an Archicad user. Surely there are enough of us to start a new forum? We have given Graphisoft more than enough time to implement changes that would have appeased the majority of complaints


So, I would like to ask the user community what forum system would best suit the their needs? There are a multitude of plug and play systems out there that would provide the type of functionality that we are all looking for. No doubt a lot of us are active on multiple forum platforms so lets decide on one and then get on with working together to become better Archicad users.


Even if only a 10th of the current forum members join we will probably get more from it than persisting with this system.


Maybe some are happy with the current structure and that's fine because it seems like Graphisoft is happy to keep it as is so good luck to them but if you aren't happy lets do something about it ourselves!

Planworks Ltd
Residential Designer based in Tauranga, NZ
Archicad v9+
VR enthusiast.
Always wants more!

Hi Gordana, Thanks for the update. Is it just the forum structure/provider that doesn't allow you to make quick changes? I would have hoped in 2022 we were able to make changes and updates in a much more fluid and ongoing way. I just don't understand why the main requests are not able to be implemented quickly. It's very similar to GS approach to AC development which is also slow and off target. Why is a date filter so hard to build into the most commented button? Its just a simple piece of code. My 16yr old son has built this into a webpage he is working on for a school project! Please action this quickly and if you need me to pressure those making the decisions please let me know who they are.

Planworks Ltd
Residential Designer based in Tauranga, NZ
Archicad v9+
VR enthusiast.
Always wants more!

The links I posted before that show unread messages does exactly that.


You will see only posts that you have not read yet and when you click on the post it will open to the unread post or reply.


Also look at whether you are viewing the forum as threaded or linear.





Threaded you will find the replies can be in the middle of the post if that is the message being replied to.

Linear they will will just be in order as they are written, and may be hard to follow.


Either way the links for unread posts will take you to the unread replies.



One of the forum moderators.
Versions 6.5 to 27
i7-10700 @ 2.9Ghz, 32GB ram, GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB), Windows 10
Lenovo Thinkpad - i7-1270P 2.20 GHz, 32GB RAM, Nvidia T550, Windows 11

I'm with Barry on this a little bit of exploration and all honesty this forum is way better suited for a user experience in the last we are all just stuck in our archaic ways I'll be the first to admit it

I don´t like the threaded view, as there is the same problem when multiple answers to a topic are unread.


The link you provide is just a temporary amend. I asume most people here use other forums and know how they work. There´s no need to reinvent the wheel at every turn 😞

Windows 10

@Jp1138 wrote:

I don´t like the threaded view, as there is the same problem when multiple answers to a topic are unread.

If there are multiple replies since you last viewed, you will see multiple entries in the unread post list.

Click any of those post and you will be taken directly to it.

As you can see I have threaded view and was taken straight to your post - I have zoomed out a bit so you can see.




@Jp1138 wrote:

The link you provide is just a temporary amend. I asume most people here use other forums and know how they work. There´s no need to reinvent the wheel at every turn 😞

The link is not temporary.

It is just a different way of browsing the forum.

I have asked once before if these links can be made into buttons like the 'Most Read' and 'Most Viewed', but have heard nothing about if that can be done or not.

I will bring it up again at our next meeting.

Or maybe @Noemi Balogh can say?



One of the forum moderators.
Versions 6.5 to 27
i7-10700 @ 2.9Ghz, 32GB ram, GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB), Windows 10
Lenovo Thinkpad - i7-1270P 2.20 GHz, 32GB RAM, Nvidia T550, Windows 11

What I´m trying to say it´s that they may be many different ways to browse this forum, but they are not the ways forums are usually browsed. My wish is for this forum to work like a normal forum, just that. And what you are showing me it´s by no means like any other forum I´ve ever browsed 😞 Do you know any other forum where you have to make a forum search to let you get to the last message in any given post? Because I don´t. You just get to the forum, see the topics in any order you want, and just by default by clicking the title, or by some button that marks that there are new messages in that topic, takes you to your last unread message. It´s just that simple, not rocket science or anything.


Any other forum in existence:




Windows 10
@Gordana Radonic wrote:

Dear All,  


We took time to read your comments and thoughts 

...and implemented precisely none of them


All of the immediate visibility, flow and functionality of the old - or any - forum is gone


A bunch or workarounds offered, but they still don't give half the standard functionality of any forum I've ever visited and they simply waste time


Default is still threads ordered by thread start date = many threads unread by a large proportion of users


can't get to last page of a thread unless I open it, scroll to the bottom of the first page, then select the page I'd like to visit


So many other productivity killers that I can't be bothered to repeat again because there clearly is no intention of giving back the missing functionality

AC27 | i7990x | RTX4070 | W10
@Barry Kelly wrote:

@Jp1138 wrote:

I don´t like the threaded view, as there is the same problem when multiple answers to a topic are unread.

If there are multiple replies since you last viewed, you will see multiple entries in the unread post list.

Click any of those post and you will be taken directly to it.

As you can see I have threaded view and was taken straight to your post - I have zoomed out a bit so you can see.

Agree with Jp1138, replies in the middle of a thread instead of in the natural order just get missed

AC27 | i7990x | RTX4070 | W10

To All Archicad users


Discord Archicad Users Community now available for anyone wanting to connect with other users to advance their Archicad skill and knowledge. 


This community is not a knowledge base or a development feed but rather a place where users can help each other advance their AC skill.


The idea is to give users an alternative forum option for AC discussion that is based on a popular forum platform.


Use the invite below to join

Planworks Ltd
Residential Designer based in Tauranga, NZ
Archicad v9+
VR enthusiast.
Always wants more!

All of the suggestions and settings tweaks shown by users here are great! I just don't feel a properly design forum should make us jump through hoops to use it in a friendly UI/UX manner.

Rex Maximilian, Honolulu, USA -
ArchiCAD 27 (user since 3.4, 1991)
16" MacBook Pro; M1 Max (2021), 32GB RAM, 1 TB SSD, 32-Core GPU
Apple Vision Pro w/ BIMx
Creator of the Maximilian ArchiCAD Template System