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Better single object selection

Not applicable
It happens to me all the time. I have walls and slabs and lines overlapping.
And say i need to select only the line.
It would be nice, if the object line is active (and another button pressed meaning selection is on and not constuction) clicking at a certain point will pick only the line (slab wall whatever) object.
David Collins
I've been looking at this, too.

The only thing that works reliably for me is using the selection tool with a mercedes cursor, I can quickly cycle through all the superimposed elements.

Selecting the tool for a specific element type and shift-clicking with merc cursor will toggle on and off just one specific element of that type, ignoring the others. It doesn't cycle through. Display order doesn't seem to affect which element it goes for.

Caps lock on doesn't seem to do anything on my setup, as near as I can tell. Could this be a Mac / PC thing?

David Collins
8.1 Int (1402) PC
David Collins

Win10 64bit Intel i7 6700 3.40 Ghz, 32 Gb RAM, GeForce RTX 3070
AC 27.0 (4001 INT FULL)
Not applicable
Funny... clicking a node works more reliably for me to cycle through overlapping elements.

The caps lock is only for typing now. I know many people requested this over the years, but I miss the old function. It was annoying coordinating the two functions, but this could also be solved with an all caps text style.
Aussie John
Matthew wrote:
Funny... clicking a node works more reliably for me to cycle through overlapping elements.
Mathew if you have a red and a grey line directly on top of each other, can you toggle the selection? I cant.
Cheers John
John Hyland : ARINA : www.arina.biz
User ver 4 to 12 - Jumped to v22 - so many options and settings!!!
OSX 10.15.6 [Catalina] : Archicad 22 : 15" MacBook Pro 2019
Dave Jochum
Aussie wrote:
Matthew wrote:
Funny... clicking a node works more reliably for me to cycle through overlapping elements.
Mathew if you have a red and a grey line directly on top of each other, can you toggle the selection? I cant.
I am able to cycle through coincident lines, either using the mercedes cursor mid-line or the check-mark at an endpoint. However if I use the check-mark at the line mid-point, it will not cycle.

I still can't discover any rhyme or reason to when the pet palette will pop up as I'm trying to cycle.
Dave Jochum
J o c h u m A R C H I T E C T S http://www.jochumarchitects.com
MBP 16" (M1 Max) 64 GB•OS 13.5.2•AC 27 Silicon (latest build)
Aussie wrote:
1505Gough wrote:
You must be using AC 7 or older. With 8.0 (at least the MAC version) and above this shift-click combo doesn't work anymore. Unless I am missing something...
Doesn't cycle for me either
Ahem ... and why should you have multiple LINES overlaid?

Diving for cover ...

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen