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In-place profile editing (like fills)

Vasileios S_

Hello there,


I would love to edit a profile in the view I work on.


Current situation: I want to draw a column. I draw a fill in the plan view. Copy-paste in the profile manager, save it, use it. Then something changes to the floor plan. All the procedure again. New fills, new copy-pasting, again, and again, and again....

Proposed solution: I draw some fills in the plan view and save it as a profile. Changes to the floor plan? Simply edit the profiles like fills. All done!

Benefits: No copy pasting, no re-doing things again and again. All done, straight, simple!


Tip 1: We will be able to edit the profile further, adding modifiers or so in the profile manager afterwards. 

Tip 2: When we edit a current profile, we should choose if we want to duplicate it or to edit it.


After all, the role of CAD is to replace hand drawings. When we drew by hand, we "edited" the profile in the plan view.

You cannot build a line.