Post your wishes about Graphisoft products: Archicad, BIMx, BIMcloud, and DDScad.


Karl Ottenstein

Please make a single topic wish per thread in this Wishes forum.  Do not combine multiple wishes in a thread if you hope to have the wish classified and considered for the future roadmap.


Make the subject line of your Wish post a concise summary of the feature you are requesting so that others can see it and vote ("like") on it.


By posting a list of many things, it is impossible to give any one of those things attention in any conversation - and any voting is vague at best as to which or all of the features someone else supports.


Yes, this is more work for you.  But the reason you're posting is that you hope to see the feature in the future, right?   So, don't post a list of 10 things... make 10 posts, each with an extremely clear subject line as to what the wish is.




One of the forum moderators
AC 27 USA and earlier   •   macOS Ventura 13.6.7, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB

While I generally agree with the intent of your post, I think it might be overly rigid. As I see it, the purpose of a wish list is to gather user input on what areas should be improved. Most often a wish is just expressing difficultly with some feature and why we are frustrated with it. Any accompanying list is just further details as to why we are frustrated. Separating that, could give a false impression and create the opposite outcome if the whole list is not considered.

Keep in mind that we are not technical writers and precision is not our game. And, in any event, in all my years, I have never seen Graphisoft implement a wish precisely as described. It is up to Graphisoft to interpret our needs in line with what is practical.

You can argue this topic either way, but I don’t think the people at Graphisoft expect us to behave as precise accountants. They are smarter than that?


Windows 11 - Visual Studio 2022; ArchiCAD 27
Radek Vybihal

ALL, really ALL seven points in my post are absolutely necessary for easier modeling in Archicad. Think about it, please. It is only in your interest to implement it. Dot.

Thank you.

Karl Ottenstein

Everyone seems to imagine that Graphisoft employees have time on their hands to sort through lengthy topics with diverse wishes.   It isn't an issue of being smart on their part.  It is an issue of being smart on our part ... a concise, specific request is much easier for them to match against existing items, file and organize and more likely to get attention. 


Including a list of wishes in a single post dilutes the primary wish.  If the wishes are all related to a specific issue, e.g., the Dimension tool, then it probably does make sense to combine them.  Otherwise, if a list has related issues that would also stand alone for some users ... then a wish per item... and then links to the other wish topics would be a way to do that?   Yes, it is more work for us here.   But it comes down to if people want to just emotionally vent (about 50% of posts lately it seems), or to make it easy for Graphisoft to see an issue and enter it into the list.







One of the forum moderators
AC 27 USA and earlier   •   macOS Ventura 13.6.7, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB

If you cannot take the time to make each of your seven wishes a separate wish, why do you think many people here or at Graphisoft are going to study your attached PDF?  If you don't make it easy to process your issues, then why do you think anyone will pay attention?




One of the forum moderators
AC 27 USA and earlier   •   macOS Ventura 13.6.7, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB

Because they are seven simple functions in one PDF.

I will post separately. I am sorry. 

Or send it to Autodesk. I hear they are implementing a lot of Archicad wishes... in Revit


Nice points by the way

I would say, if indeed this is a legitimate section that Graphisoft is keeping tabs on, (I've expressed my thoughts on the validity of that but would love to be proved wrong), that we follow Karl's guidelines as he's laid them out. That way there will be no reason for them not to be streamlined into their collective features list.

Rex Maximilian, Honolulu, USA - www.rexmaximilian.com
ArchiCAD 27 (user since 3.4, 1991)
16" MacBook Pro; M1 Max (2021), 32GB RAM, 1 TB SSD, 32-Core GPU
Apple Vision Pro w/ BIMx
Creator of the Maximilian ArchiCAD Template System

I guess they're taking the concept of Picasso's statement, "good artists borrow, great artists steal," to heart!

Rex Maximilian, Honolulu, USA - www.rexmaximilian.com
ArchiCAD 27 (user since 3.4, 1991)
16" MacBook Pro; M1 Max (2021), 32GB RAM, 1 TB SSD, 32-Core GPU
Apple Vision Pro w/ BIMx
Creator of the Maximilian ArchiCAD Template System

Please comply with Karl’s directions above for the benefit of all us users. Obscuring the wish list doesn’t make for clear wishes and the monitoring of them for future implementation. When things are clear, simple and well explained, all will hopefully understand what we are asking for with Archicad for the future. We all suffer from an overload of information and advertising especially with social media and the like. KIS “Keep It Simple” and enjoy your work.

AC8.1 - AC27 ARM AUS + CI Tools
Apple Mac Studio M1 Max Chip 10C CPU
24C GPU 7.8TF 32GB RAM OS Ventura