Post your wishes about Graphisoft products: Archicad, BIMx, BIMcloud, and DDScad.

Wish: Additional autotext


I think we should get the ability to access more information with Autotext.

For example access Project location informations such as Altitude (sea level).


Please post any other parameters you would like to include.


GDL parameters and IFC properties - basically everything should be there as the schedule critera/field menu does.

odv.hu | actively using: AC25-27 INT | Rhino6-8 | macOS @ apple silicon / win10 x64
Patrick M

you can apply "elevation to sea level" as auto-text - although it is not necessarily what you may be looking for, since it isn't giving the relationship from sea level to project 0. The intent with autotext like this is you can add in these text fields as part of a saved label that gets applied/associated to elements... I think that may be your best bet; and really a more dynamic way to link your "text" to the actual model; labels rather than text tool

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BIM solutions and trouble shooting (self proclaimed) expert. Using Archicad 26 5002 US on Mac OS 11.5.2