since ‎2021-04-27

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  • 112 Posts
  • 5 Solutions
  • 35 Likes given
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Something got bumped & my typical numerical input is all weird... What I'm expecting: click for first point, then drag for direction per the directional snaps, then type in value for distance in that direction. [The tracker value should be the Distan...
Doing commercial tenant improvements & house renovations, this has come up multiple times, and I'm wondering what do experienced archicaders do? There is an existing exterior uninsulated wall. We run into them as basement foundation walls or in tilt-...
Is a minimal space setting available for curtainwall door objects? And if not, what are people doing to accommodate door clearances for these objects? Thanks!
I have some entities that are suspiciously close to orthogonal, but when I zoom in on them it's unclear that they are. When I try to put a guide nearby, I am not sure whether the guide is snapping to this odd almost-plumb line or giving me a true ort...
I have an employee not on site & he has a license tied up on his machine. We have two licenses & three users. Is the License Manager supposed to allow me [admin] to release the license back to the pool? If so, I cannot see how to do that; it only sho...