since ‎2022-11-03
3 weeks ago

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  • 8 Posts
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Trying to fix our office template which has been messed about with a bit - currently have the issue that default settings for surfaces are 'missing' which means everything is black. This is the case with loads of things - objects/doors/windows. Is th...
Is there a way to keep Solid Element Operation Window open by default? Every file requires me to open it from fresh even though I use it everyday. What is the reason for this? Am I doing something wrong?
I simply don't need it to tell me every time I open a file that things need updating. It is unnecessary screen clutter that takes up valuable space in the tab bar.
1) When Archicad crashes* and you reopen, when you choose the autosave file and open, Archicad CLOSES THE PROGRAM AND REOPENS A NEW ITERATION ALL OVER AGAIN. How do you stop this? Just open the file as normal, I don't need the program to load twice. ...