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Archicad 28テクノロジープレビューで現在行われている改善点のリスト

グラフィソフト テクノロジープレビュープログラム2024にご参加いただき、また貴重なご意見をお寄せいただきありがとうございます!




情報が更新された項目はリストの一番上に表示されます。また、"Information Last Update"(最終更新情報)の列を使用して、最新の情報変更を確認することもできます。








Key Expected Fixed Version Improvement Description Platform Information Last Update
DEF-18644 AC28 Release L Winder Stair on macOS no longer moves. macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-18970 AC28 Release Pipes or Ducts can now be exported in RVT format Windows 2024-07-09
DEF-19403 AC28 Release GDL based MEP Elements no longer slow down real-life-size projects. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19578 AC28 Release In the MEP System Browser, adding a root by clicking the "+" button no longer leads to crash. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19389 AC28 Release Changing the geometry method when constructing a Morph no longer leads to crash. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19672 AC28 Release MEP elements were difficult to place in a continuous route. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19387 AC28 Release Thermal Bridge Simulation's Temperature Result drawing showed incorrect values.  macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19691 AC28 Release Archicad could crash when an old .xml file was imported to Route Specifications. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19746 AC28 Release MEPAPI's logical and physical connections were not clearly accessible. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19861 Technology Preview Update It was difficult to use MEP Route Specifications dialog. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19780 Technology Preview Update Backward migration from Archicad 28 to Archicad 27 was not working. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19984 Technology Preview Update Archicad could crash when opening the downloaded Demo Project in the German version. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-20132 Technology Preview Update Back/forward button and shortcut (cmd + Z) did not function after editing a placed route in edit mode. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-12273 Technology Preview Update Publishing a layout into DWG shows a warning message and keeps updating drawings even after all drawings are updated. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19547 Technology Preview Update Quick Layers Palette's "Hide Selection Layer" command didn't work in 3D view. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19742 Technology Preview Update Change Tool element favourite icons displayed "###" instead of the actual text in the marker preview. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19736 Technology Preview Update Keynotes API was not Teamwork-compatible. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-20187 Technology Preview Update Users will be able to sort Keynote Legend fields.

(Important Note: to improve sorting of keynotes and folders, a GDL request change will be made which may break compatibility between the Tech Preview and the Tech Preview Update if a similar legend is created and these requests are used.)
Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19960 Technology Preview Update Archicad could crash when editing vertical openings. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-20119 Technology Preview Update Archicad could crash because of Autotext on Layouts. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19057 AC28 Release Tooltips were shifted when using custom display scale. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19991 Technology Preview Update When Archicad was started on one screen and then moved to another one, Coach Marks appeared on the first screen. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19992 Technology Preview Update Hotkey is now displayed at the Learning Content Tooltips. Windows 2024-07-09
DEF-19575 Technology Preview Update The previously viewed coach mark is no longer visible before the new one appears. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-20063 Technology Preview Update Fallback tooltips now appear correctly at the Learning Content. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19820 AC28 Release There was a missing default attribute in Archicad 28 USA Beta. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19821 AC28 Release Uninitialized variable in Archicad28 USA Beta. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19865 AC28 Release Some Door/Window parameters were missing from the Japanese version. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19440 Technology Preview Update White fill pen can't be distinguished from the white background on new Windows machines. Windows 2024-07-09
DEF-19747 AC28 Release The default Label type in now Zone Label instead of a simple Label type. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19955 AC28 Release "Tags and Labelling" parameters are now turned off in the Window and Door Default Settings (except for CHE version). Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19170 Technology Preview Update Space key + right click shortcut didn't work on macOS Sonoma. macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19907 AC28 Release There was some missing attributes in the default German library. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-20035 Technology Preview Update There was an error with linkers in case of some API functions. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-20025 Technology Preview Update Chevron icons were missing on macOS 15. macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-20120 Technology Preview Update The “Show Privacy Note” link on the GSReport screen now shows the report correctly. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19900 Technology Preview Update There is no longer a delay in the GDL Editor's performance. Windows 2024-07-09
DEF-20158 Technology Preview Update The font "Avenir Next Condensed" was not displayed correctly. Windows 2024-07-09
DEF-20216 Technology Preview Update Archicad dialogs were shrunk when moved between 2 displays with different scale. Windows 2024-07-09
DEF-20406 Technology Preview Update Black squares were shown in font list on macOS 15. macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-20333 Technology Preview Update Docking the Archicad window to either side of the screen caused the navigator toolbar to disappear on macOS 15. macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-20325 Technology Preview Update Resizing the Archicad window title bar did not fill the screen properly on macOS 15. macOS 2024-07-09
DEF-19664 AC28 Release Archicad could crash during the use of Duct Optimizer. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
ADD-1 Technology Preview Update Archicad Library 27 will be added to Archicad Library 28, instead of using a separate Migration Library folder. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
ADD-2 Technology Preview Update The Archicad 27 Monolith Library will be on the installer starting from AC28 TP Update. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09
ADD-3 AC28 Release The translations are getting finalized continuously until the FCS release. Windows & macOS 2024-07-09