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Trying to "Flip" a slab from horizontal to vertical...HELP!

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Ok I'm fairly new to ArchiCAD (Using AC16) and I've made a kitchen plan. I typically make custom floors and ceilings using the "Slab" tool because I can plot and make curves. So I want to make a custom wall. I don't see anywhere how to do what I'm trying to do...basically make a square wall then cut semi circle out of it....sounds easy...wrong! So I created it on a slab...then use the "morph" tool to rotate it and move it into place...no problem. The problem is this...when I pull my scene in Maxwell Render that specific wall, when I apply a stone material to it, creates a starburst pattern from the top left corner at the edge when I render it. I have quadruple checked to ensure nothing is out of place...I mean simple, slab then morph then rotate. I have tried to turn into an object and same thing....starburst pattern. What it is is the triangles that make up the wall from the curve in the wall from the curve plot points. I'm thinking if I can just flip the slab perhaps this will solve the issue since I don't see starburst on the floor with a curve in it. I mean what gives? Why can't I simply flip my slab 90 degrees? Why can't I add arc to a wall to modify it? I would expect things to be much easier but everything in this program seems over complicated for no reason. Any help would be awesome. I've read other post and I see multiple ways to do this....none of which are in my program[/img]

Wall Starburst.jpg
Karl Ottenstein
Not sure what/why - but no doubt related to how things get imported into Maxwell, which makes this not completely an AC issue...

But... I would think you would get a proper result if you used a wall for the wall and did Solid Element Subtract with whatever massing (profiled elements or morphs) were required to re-shape the wall as desired. Did you try that?
AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.1, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
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No I haven't tried that yet. Being fairly new (3 weeks) I'm finding options as I need them. So this would be a particular case where I'll be learning and trying something new. Thanks for the tip because I think I'll be using that option quite often. It was just a little frustrating spending the last 2 days designing then assigning my materials only to find out I have to restart my material process. I saw this option and read about it in the manual but it shows rectangles and squares so I figured it didn't relate to curves. Thanks again!
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Ok so I solved my own problem. I'll post a reply so in case anyone else runs into the same problem. I did what you said and still had the starburst in my scene...just not as bad but still very noticeable. I tried over and over again and I found one of my pictures with a different material on it without the starburst in the scene. So I went back and tried that same material and the same thing happened...horrible starburst...tried multiple materials and all the same thing. So I asked myself "What has been common every time this happens?" It happens to be the material I created that I've been trying to use this whole time. I found the displacement to be incorrect that would corrupt the object and any material applied to it...even if I took the displacement off of the material. I would have to shut down Maxwell Render, reopen my scene in ArchiCAD and import back into Maxwell Render and I can apply any material just fine only if I did those first. I don't understand enough about Displacement of a material to tell you why it did this and corrupted the object. Even if you hit Recalculate it would not fix the object. So all in all I only lost 3 days of time HAHA! But...I really want to use my stone material because it fits well in the environment. So currently I'm testing the displacement to better understand it.
Alternatively you could have just created that particular wall or object using the Complex profile manager by drawing the elevation view of the wall as you'd see it head on using a Fill on floor plan and then copying that fill to the complex profile manager and defining it as the profile for your wall.

Then just use the regular wall tool and draw the wall perpendicular to your view and change the structure to whatever profile you created.
(if any of this is not making sense, - and I'm sure it's not - just read up on the Complex Profile Manager in ArchiCAD help and tutorial files.)

It should give you a much cleaner geometry for export to Maxwell, which is really what was causing your problem in the first place.
That "sunburst" is really just an expression of how ArchiCAD exported the geometry which happens frequently to curved objects when they get triangulated upon export and read that way when opened in Maxwell.

If the problem persists, you should try exporting the scene in another format as certain formats triangulate solids excessively like that which doesn't make for good renders (most notably .OBJ and .DWG)
Try using .3ds format or the native MAxwell format .mxs.
The invisible beam trick would work great for this too:


Of course now in 17 Building Materials and layer management will do the same. Welcome to ArchiCAD!
Jared Banks, AIA
Shoegnome Architects

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Ok so I know this is old. I got a new computer and decided to revamp my old kitchen plan. I opened it up and applied a material in Maxwell render and I could see a burn in of the material after I applied another material. In essence...the same problem I had before. Now that I have a better understanding of Archicad and Maxwell Render I found the problem to be in Maxwell Render. I needed to adjust the UV Set. Once I did that I adjusted the dimensions of the material and it came out just fine. Im sure some of the problem had to do with how I created the wall in Archicad and how the triangles articulate. Thanks for the options in what I can do differently in creating that type of wall again. I just wanted to give an update as I was determined to solve that problem and I did eventually