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AI virtual assistant

Petros Ioannou

Following up on Graphisoft's AI visualiser I will come up with a long standing idea/ wish of mine.

The whole market is utilizing AI to deal with the creative part of our practice , whether that is a visual, form finding, layout alternatives,spatial optimization. Although promising this approach always lacks ( I my opinion) the complexity of human thinking.

The parameters are there, individually but not histicaly, when there is a solution to a spatial issue there isn't one for social context, the budget, client brief etc. AI will get there eventually but I suspect we are still far. In the meantime I would suggest we utilise AI to deal with the laborious , boring tasks of our everyday life in practice. Such as revision checks, layout proofing, project file naming  for starters. ArchiCAD is far superior to the competition in areas like this but it would be a step ahead would incorporate AI technologies to audit the model and it's outcomes. Imagine a system which can automate the deliverables names/ templates/ appearance, check your tags for consistency, compare to external databases of specs, keeping track of issues the way a Document controlers would do. It would take the coordination of project to the next level.the possibilities are endless. 

ArchiCAD 22 4023 UKI FULL,
Archicad 21 6013 UKI FULL, ArchiCAD 20 8005 UKI FULL
iMac Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017
4.2 GHz Intel Core i7
32 GB 2400 MHz DDR4
Radeon Pro 580 8192 MB

To enhance this wish.


Presently, architects still have to annotate documents as stated. AI should be used to learn and implement local standards for dimensioning, notating, scheduling, etc. The user should only have to embed the requisite data in all objects based on human decisions and designs. The dimensions, notations, and schedules would all be favorites set by the human architects. The AI should also do as stated above to Quality Control the documents and list conflicts or omissions for the human user to review and check off to have the AI implement. A new group, Firmus , has started this approach but is implementing from the produced documents and having the human fix. As stated above, the time saved and the quality increase by having this within AC would allow us humans to do creative tasks. Eventually, AI could become our partner in the creative process. Most Architects become Architects because of the creative process, but not all can presently participate in this process due to all the mundane and repetitive tasks.

Shook Kelley, CLT PLLC Charlotte, North Carolina
Mac Studio 2022 - Apple M1 Ultra
128 GB RAM Mac OS Sonoma 14.5
Dell U3818DW Display (3840x1600)
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