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I would like the ability to set the Option key on Mac to not make a copy of what I am dragging

Mark Hensler

Here is why.

I have been training myself to use the Magic Mouse with my Mac and have 98% converted to loving it.  The last 2% is this "feature" where clicking option will change the Drag command to Drag Copy command.  Why this is annoying is because the Option key is also what you have to hold down to zoom or pan with the Magic Mouse (deepening on your preference in Work environment).  So, if I select an object, enter the command to drag it, then zoom in tight to precisely place said object, I end up making a copy instead of just moving it.  

I honestly thought I could get over this and train myself to just hit option again to toggle the drag/ drag copy, but it hasn't happened.  I tried to search for an option in Work Environment to turn this off but could not find it.  Hopefully someone wiser will read this and inform me on where to find said option.  If not, could this please be included in a future hotfix?

Thank you


With the Magic Mouse I use this setting in the work environment
And for the crop function I use MagicPrefs but there are other alternatives


Capture d’écran.png

Yves Houssier
Archicad 19 -> 24
iMac - Mac Os 10,13

Thank you Yves,

This worked a bit better and the copy didn't seem to happen as often, but I am still getting the copy command, now when panning instead of zooming.



We used to use MagicPrefs but unfortunately support for it ceased a long time ago and with the more recent macOS's it constantly presented an error message even though it still worked. We now use an add-on called 'Middle' which is similar in that it enabled the middle-click as Pan throughout the system. There is a final cost for this (around £7) but it's well worth it, at least until Apple give in and make middle-click native to the OS.


Bring back the Mighty Mouse!!

Lee Hankins
ArchiCAD 4.5 - Archicad 27UKI Apple Silicon 27.2.1
macOS Sonoma (14.5)

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