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Sort and categorize fields in the Project Information Dialog


The Project Information Dialog is great because its data can be used as autotext anywhere.  However, I find it frustrating and limited.  I would like to be able to reorganize the order in which fields appear in the Project Information Dialog.  I would like to be able to create new Groups (like agency, codes, areas, etc). I would like to be able to sort them and I would like to be able to move them into other Groups.  I would like fields to also be linked in reverse, that is, some fields could be linked to other locations in the data, such as Interactive Schedules (assuming you also improve Interactive Schedules to perform like spreadsheets with their own calculation capabilities and their own ability to link fields to fills, areas, objects, surfaces, and the like, as I requested in another post).  


Operating system used: Mac Apple Silicon


Setup info provided by author