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2024 Technology Preview Program

2024 Technology Preview Program:
Master powerful new features and shape the latest BIM-enabled innovations

Post your wishes about Graphisoft products: Archicad, BIMx, BIMcloud, and DDScad.

Why doesn't attribute folders display similar to navigator folders?

The following is related to feedback already brought forward here and here but the flaws hit me again as I was trying to set up folders for a more efficient layer management. The recent improvements certainly focused on the small stuff.


Folders, although currently underdeveloped, could be useful when setting up Layer Combinations as they at least work as shortcuts for selecting and changing the settings of certain layers in the structure. Yes, combinations need to be updated if new layers are added to relevant folders but it is still better than pre-folders. For this to be optimised it has to be possible to overview the settings for the entire folder structure and change it simultaneously.




The tree view available in the top pane in folder view mode gives a overview of the folder structure - but without the ability to change, or even see settings. The settings can only be seen and changed in the bottom pane which in turn only  can show the content of a individual folder. So instead of being able to select a Layer Combination and overview it's setting for each folder in the structure it is necessary to go through each relevant folder using the top pane and read/change the setting in the bottom pane.


But the list view only has one pane! Maybe it can be of use?



The list view only shows layer items and so doesn't give and overview of the structure unless either name or extension is used to indicate path. Since not even names ore extension can be propagated in the folders this would have to be done manually. And being forced to include the path in name or extension practically reduces the value of folders to close to zero.


But search also have only one pane! And if a specific character is included in every folder name it can be queried and the result will show all folders, and if the name indicate the structure the result will be structured, and if the layers is analogously named they will be shown as well.




So it is possible to set up a structure that gives a overview of the settings for the entire structure. The question is why it has to be so tedious and why the result is nothing more than a simple list? Is it really that complicated to use the combined folder-item tree view and search function from the navigator for attributes as well? Making it consistent and efficient. 







Accepted Solutions
Benjamin Dani

Dear All,


Thank you for your ideas!


I'm happy to say that we took notice and added this request into our database.
You can refer to it as WISH-12580.

I hope it will be implemented soon.


Kind regards,

Dani Benjamin
Technical Support Engineer

View solution in original post


That is exactly how it should work! 👏🏻

GS: take notes!

It leaves me baffled to see how they implemented this... It's just makes no sense at all. It does not even serve the slightest use or advantage.

Lucas Becker | AC 27 on Mac | Author of Runxel's Archicad Wiki | Editor at SelfGDL | Developer of the GDL plugin for Sublime Text | My List of AC shortcomings & bugs | I Will Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again |

«Furthermore, I consider that Carth... yearly releases must be destroyed»

It is I think quite evident in the UI just how inefficient AC coding is when it comes to common processes. It feels like each tools is written in isolation, hence the disparity between the new Navigator and Layer display. I can double click on label text to edit in place, but I can’t with dimensions, it opens in a dialog, and the opposite happens with the label, you can only edit in place, but the dialog has a fixed text view. In the layer settings you can rename a composite in place but not a layer name. 🙄

Apple iMac Intel i9 / macOS Sonoma / AC27UKI (most recent builds.. if they work)

Definitely. In navigator we can ctrl+drag to copy, change position of items, add items in folders by right click - the list goes on. The questions is why? Is it technical or organisational?. Is it incompetence or ignorance? Regardless - I think it is becoming a real threat for the future of AC.

CTRL + A should work, so no need to select top element and then SHIFT + END. 

This kind of development in Agile is called MVP - Minimum viable product. Releasing something that is not fully developed to look how users will interact to it. Looks like GS have too many users but too little developers. Nothing will be done about this tool don't be optimistic, be realistic.

GRAPHISOFT BIM Manager Training Week attendee
ArchiCAD v9 - v27 INT / NOR (5030)
cpu i5-12600K @ 5.0Ghz, ram 32GB, gpu 1060 GTX
ssd NVMe, Windows 11
ArchiCAD Discord channel:


The folder/search implementation has yet again got me baffled. Hidden away in the import dialog of the new attribute palette is a column that shows the folder path. Why isn't that available in list/search view of attribute dialogs? In lack of a proper tree view it would give decent overview. The info is available at mouse over - could it really be that hard to tabulate it?  And if it was made searchable (like extensions) it would offer a quick way to filter the structure. 



Benjamin Dani

Dear All,


Thank you for your ideas!


I'm happy to say that we took notice and added this request into our database.
You can refer to it as WISH-12580.

I hope it will be implemented soon.


Kind regards,

Dani Benjamin
Technical Support Engineer



Nice that GS team took notice on this question 🙂 In this thread it is shown that it is Solved, but at the moment wish is only added into to do list with ID "WISH-12580". It could be very far from status "SOLVED" 😕

When I'am adding tasks to team we marking "Solved/Finished "when task is complete, but not when it is in "Progress/WIP" or "Open/Ready to start".

GRAPHISOFT BIM Manager Training Week attendee
ArchiCAD v9 - v27 INT / NOR (5030)
cpu i5-12600K @ 5.0Ghz, ram 32GB, gpu 1060 GTX
ssd NVMe, Windows 11
ArchiCAD Discord channel:

No, we shouldn't get carried away just because a number is assigned. But unfortunately the accept as solution function is the only way to highlight the reply so I'm doing that for any of my wishes getting a number. Even without a proper roadmap/wish functionality this could have been handled better - just create a sub forum and move any wish that gets a number there.