2017-01-13 04:17 AM
!------------ For Window Marker ----------------------- iDoorCode = 11 ! SIMPLE_DOOR detail_mode = 0
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! KeyPlan No.+ sub no. ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! for ii=10 to 1 step -1 if type_no<10**ii then no_len=ii next ii for ii=10 to 1 step -1 if type_no_sub<10**ii then no_len_sub=ii next ii
if no_and_sub = "" then if type_no_sub=0 then type_no_tx = STR(type_no, no_len, 0) else type_no_tx = STR(type_no, no_len, 0) + "-" + STR(type_no_sub, no_len_sub, 0) endif else type_no_tx = no_and_sub endif
parameters type_no_tx = type_no_tx lock "type_no_tx"
if iK_Direction = 2 then k_rot=int(1) if iK_Direction = 3 then k_rot=int(2) if iK_Direction = 1 then k_rot=int(3)
!------------ For Door Marker ----------------------- call "ListValuesJPN" parameters all gs_JPNObjectType = 5, gs_is_p2 = 1 !------------ KeyPlan No.+ sub no. for ii=10 to 1 step -1 if type_no<10**ii then no_len=ii next ii for ii=10 to 1 step -1 if type_no_sub<10**ii then no_len_sub=ii next ii if no_and_sub = "" then if type_no_sub=0 then type_no_tx = STR(type_no, no_len, 0) else type_no_tx = STR(type_no, no_len, 0) + "-" + STR(type_no_sub, no_len_sub, 0) endif else type_no_tx = no_and_sub endif parameters type_no_tx = type_no_tx lock "type_no_tx"
!------------------ キープラン対応部分 -------------------------[追加部分(後半)]
bShowOpLine2D = 0 bSingleOpLine = 0 bShowCenterLine = 0 bShowThreshold = 0 bShowClosedLeafLine = 0 lineTypeOpeningLine = 0 bShowRegMarker = 0 bShowJoinerySign = 0
CALL "requestMVOOptions_DW_JPN_m", parameters ALL iDoorCode = iDoorCode, ! comment: Use iDoorCode to handle individual cases
returned_parameters bShowOpLine2D, bSingleOpLine, bShowCenterLine, bShowThreshold, bShowClosedLeafLine, lineTypeOpeningLine, bShowRegMarker, bShowJoinerySign if GLOB_PREVIEW_MODE = 2 then goto 1000 endif
!------------------ キープラン対応部分 ------------------------- 1000: IF (key_mark_flag = 1 and bShowJoinerySign) OR GLOB_PREVIEW_MODE = 2 then is_flag = 0 goto "KeyPlan_Marker" else is_flag = 0
add2 0, WIDO_SILL
!____________________________ Symbol marker __________________
if GLOB_PREVIEW_MODE = 2 then if fl_symbol then is_flag = 0 else is_flag = 1 endif endif
if scale_link_label then if GLOB_SCALE > 50 then marker_type =0 else marker_type =1 endif else if iKey_Mark_Type = 1 then marker_type = 0 else marker_type = 1 endif endif CALL "AC14_symbol_marker" PARAMETERS k_dia = k_dia, \ k_line = k_line, k_lenb = k_lenb, k_lena = k_lena, k_lenc = k_lenc, fsize_flag = fsize_flag, fsize = fsize, k_notation1 =k_notation1, n_offx1 =n_offx1, n_offy1 =n_offy1, k_notation2 =k_notation2, n_offx2 =n_offx2, n_offy2 =n_offy2, k_notation3 = k_notation3, n_offx3 =n_offx3, n_offy3 =n_offy3, k_notation4 =k_notation4, n_offx4 =n_offx4, n_offy4 =n_offy4, pen_text = pen_marker, pen_symbol = pen_marker, pen_fill = keyplan_fill_pen, type_fill = keyplan_fill_type, keyplan_fill_bg_pen = keyplan_fill_bg_pen, fontType = fontType, type_symbol = stD_Type_Name, type_no = type_no_tx, globid = GLOB_ID, stD_Lock_Type = stD_Lock_Type, iD_Lock_Type = iD_Lock_Type, e_offx =e_offx, e_offy =e_offy, k_idflag = k_idflag, fill_flag= bKeyplan_fill, marker_type = marker_type, op_height = B, is_flag = is_flag, ltype_marker = ltype_marker, wd_show_size = wd_show_size, size_anno_x = size_anno_x, size_anno_y = size_anno_y, A = A, paper_scale = paper_scale, ex_fsize = ex_fsize, wd_fsize = wd_fsize, k_dia_paper = k_dia_paper, k_lenb_paper = k_lenb_paper, k_lena_paper = k_lena_paper, k_lenc_paper = k_lenc_paper, n_offx1_paper = n_offx1_paper, n_offy1_paper = n_offy1_paper, n_offx2_paper = n_offx2_paper, n_offy2_paper = n_offy2_paper, n_offx3_paper = n_offx3_paper, n_offy3_paper = n_offy3_paper, n_offx4_paper = n_offx4_paper, n_offy4_paper = n_offy4_paper, size_anno_x_paper = size_anno_x_paper, size_anno_y_paper = size_anno_y_paper, k_dia_M = k_dia_M, k_lenb_M = k_lenb_M, k_lena_M = k_lena_M, k_lenc_M = k_lenc_M, n_offx1_M = n_offx1_M, n_offy1_M = n_offy1_M, n_offx2_M = n_offx2_M, n_offy2_M = n_offy2_M, n_offx3_M = n_offx3_M, n_offy3_M = n_offy3_M, n_offx4_M = n_offx4_M, n_offy4_M = n_offy4_M, size_anno_x_M = size_anno_x_M, size_anno_y_M = size_anno_y_M, k_rot_ang=k_rot_ang del top