I've a problem with a GDL file. I'm trying to download a gsm file but everytime when I'm trying. It tells me that: Quick time is missing, GDL Web control requires Quick time 7,0 or later. What is the cause of this mention?
Have you installed ArchiCAD on that machine, where you want to download the object. It seems, that it is necessary in some circumstances. Installed Quicktime is AFAIK absolutely necessary.
I haven't a Dvd. I've download it from graphisoft. Maybe it's the problem that it is Archicad 14. Maybe is still GDL web control not compatible with Archicad 14. Is this possible?
I've found the problem, GDL web control isn't compatible with archicad 14. I've installed Archicad 13 and now is the caution about quick time disappeared