Is there a way to clean out unused Hotlink links stored within a file?
ArchiCAD seems to remember any hotlink module that has ever been placed in a file - not only those that are currently placed. This can be seen in the Place Module>Choose Hotlink dialog - in the screenshot attached note there are two Grid L14.MOD hotlinks, one linked to L14 and the other L15. L15 was a mistake in the module creation corrected by the L14 version, however the L15 version remains although it is no longer placed in the file.
It seems ArchiCAD is getting confused by the two hotlinks with the same file name as every time I refresh the L14 version the Hotlink manager immediately shows it as Modified again.
Another issue is I could not relink the L15 version to the L14 version - it would simply show as OK in the Hotlink Manager. In order to replace I had to delete the L15 version, place the L14 version in a different file to recognise the correct story, and then cut-paste this instance back into the main file.
Owen Sharp
Design Technology Manager
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iMac 27" i7 2.93Ghz | 32GB RAM | OS 10.10 | Since AC5