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Persistant view settings per window

Paul King
Please, please can we allow two or more windows side by side that keep their own layer combinations and other display attributes , WITHOUT requiring user to go back to the view map & regen with correct view settings for that window every time you switch focus to another window with different layer combo and back again.

This is a regular and recurring problem for me - I frequently need to work backwards & forwards between two views with different layer combos active. Stopping & setting correct layer combos back on & waiting for regen between every third mouse click is just not OK

These views might even e.g. be different ends of the same large building elevation, one with boolean operators switched on, one without, or one 2D detailing window, with a range of other plans & elevations that need to be adjusted , so implications can be considered all at once, each view with different layer combination.

Default behaviour should be that window once opened should have kept all its original layer display settings when focus returns to it , no matter what layers are switched off & on in other windows.

This behaviour is needed almost always. It is rare that one wants to see the affect of another window's layer combo transferred to current window when you click on it to work there again.

This would require a change to layer control from a global model basis to a per window basis, and would presumably require more memory - but RAM is cheap & the productivity gain well worth it. Users who don't like it could toggle this working mode off.
ArchiCAD 8-27 | Twinmotion 2023
Windoze 11 PC | Intel Core i9 10900K | Nvidia Gforce RTX 3080 | 32 Gb DDR3 | 2x4K monitor extended desktop
Paul King
Shaun wrote:
... and we will be looking at this for future versions. Thank you for bringing this topic to our attention.
Thanks for the feedback Shaun. Is is most gratifying to have direct confirmation from time to time that Graphisoft really do monitor this forum & pick up on the suggestions!
ArchiCAD 8-27 | Twinmotion 2023
Windoze 11 PC | Intel Core i9 10900K | Nvidia Gforce RTX 3080 | 32 Gb DDR3 | 2x4K monitor extended desktop
Not applicable
Somehow I thought AC12 already had this and mine was just acting weird sometimes.

I don't know how other people work, but I wish this were the default for AC. What's the point of being able to have several windows opened if I can't go from a floor plan to an elevation without the roof disappearing?

And using Trace Reference doesn't save any steps and doesn't keep the drawing in the same place. Not to mention it won't work for more than two windows.