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Post your wishes about Graphisoft products: Archicad, BIMx, BIMcloud, and DDScad.

Show selection of objects from 3D window to Plan view.

From within the 3D view window, If selected objects are in the common (same) story, then there should come an option in the 'right click menu' to select and zoom to the objects in plan view.

However till then i just made the way to do that,
while trying just got the solution,

> open the 'selection' palette from 'window' menu,
> select the element(s) from the 3D view window,
> using 'selection' palette, store the selection with a name,
> come to the plan view and activate the stored selection.

(see the topic
Dhaval Shah
Upto AC 22
iMacs and MacBookPros: Mac OS X (10.6 to 10.12, Intel core 2 Quad to i5, i7, 8 GB to 16GB)
Win 10, AMD Opteron 6-Core x 2, 16GB, FirePro W4100 2GB
& ThinkPad E550
& i7, 8GB
I hope the interface could be programmed such a way that
> if the selected elements are from one and common story, then there should come an option in the 'right click menu' to see the objects in plan.

> if the selected elements are from more than one stories, then there should come more options in the 'right click menu' to....
. > see the objects in 0 story,
. > see the objects in 1 story,
. > see the objects in 2 story.... like this

This story option list should automatically come in the menu, as per the selected objects home stories.
Dhaval Shah
Upto AC 22
iMacs and MacBookPros: Mac OS X (10.6 to 10.12, Intel core 2 Quad to i5, i7, 8 GB to 16GB)
Win 10, AMD Opteron 6-Core x 2, 16GB, FirePro W4100 2GB
& ThinkPad E550
& i7, 8GB
James B
Why do you need to see a selection made in 3d back in 2d?
I'd be worried about the right-click menu getting even more hefty, I'd prefer to see things starting to be taken out of the right click. Move for instance, and cut/copy/paste. We all know the shortcut - or should by now...
I do love the option in Schedule to select in plan or 3d view, very useful. I've never wanted to select something in 3d and view in 2d though.
If you add this to 3d, then one would expect the same for sections/elevations, 3d documents, worksheets, etc but how often would you use this?

I'd prefer the Marquee to become smarter and turn into full on tool (with it's own settings within the tool), to filter types of elements inside or outside and to appear in all views (including section/elevation), have proper height visible in 3d (a 3d marquee doesn't really work as expected currently). I'd vote for that
James Badcock
Graphisoft Senior Product Manager
i guess, you have not used the Viewmaps to save '3D views with marquee'.
Yes, the Viewmaps remember 3D projection, filter settings, cutaway, Marquee area, rendering settings, 3D window settings etc.

But i also agree with you to enhance the marquee tool, like the marquee polygon should be saved and recalled in plan when needed.

Also section and elevation Viewmaps remember the 'story range' and other relative settings.

And for the right click menu, that can be programmed optionally expandable i.e. when needed we can click on that command then it could further expand its sub-options (like in 3ds max.)
Dhaval Shah
Upto AC 22
iMacs and MacBookPros: Mac OS X (10.6 to 10.12, Intel core 2 Quad to i5, i7, 8 GB to 16GB)
Win 10, AMD Opteron 6-Core x 2, 16GB, FirePro W4100 2GB
& ThinkPad E550
& i7, 8GB
James B
dhaval7shah wrote:
i guess, you have not used the Viewmaps to save '3D views with marquee'.
Yes, the Viewmaps remember 3D projection, filter settings, cutaway, Marquee area, rendering settings, 3D window settings etc.
Yep, I frequently use the marquee to help save 3d documents and views
I know I can set inside/outside, I guess I didn't explain what I was thinking.

A marquee that could be selected, stretched, offset, holes cut into it.
What I meant by filtering, is a marquee is good for stretching so filtering would therefore only affect the elements as per the filter. ie marquee over the corner of the building, but only want to stretch the walls and slab, not the roof. Something like that anyway. The ultimate editing assistant and selection device

A little off topic as well.
James Badcock
Graphisoft Senior Product Manager
James wrote:
A marquee that could be selected, stretched, offset, holes cut into it.
What I meant by filtering, is a marquee is good for stretching so filtering would therefore only affect the elements as per the filter. ie marquee over the corner of the building, but only want to stretch the walls and slab, not the roof. Something like that anyway. The ultimate editing assistant and selection device
Yes, that's really a very useful idea to make marquee editable (like polygons) and also parametric for the elemental filtering. I would add that it should also work as editable 3D section box (like in Revit).

Have you put this wish already? then i would surely vote.
Dhaval Shah
Upto AC 22
iMacs and MacBookPros: Mac OS X (10.6 to 10.12, Intel core 2 Quad to i5, i7, 8 GB to 16GB)
Win 10, AMD Opteron 6-Core x 2, 16GB, FirePro W4100 2GB
& ThinkPad E550
& i7, 8GB
James B
dhaval7shah wrote:
Have you put this wish already? then i would surely vote.
Posted something like that back in 2003 here
And back in 2004

Now it's 2011... so I don't really expect this anytime soon
James Badcock
Graphisoft Senior Product Manager
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni
These wish items might get more attention if more people voted. I have noticed that you are lucky if you get more than ten total votes on most wishes. Most users vent what they don't like and that Graphisoft is not listening but there is not really a voter turnout to speak of here. The squeaky wheel gets oiled and the wheels in the wishlist area of the forum aren't very squeaky.

Tell your friends and family members to vote and often!

But seriously, when people come across an issue in a forum post that results in a wish, place a link to the wish post in the original posting with a message for all to come and place a vote. Maybe if we get dozens of people voting instead of one dozen it might get some notice.

I know this is optimistic thinking but we need more of that anyway.

PS - I voted on this one.
Nicholas Cornia
Technical Support Team - GRAPHISOFT North America
ARCHICAD on Twitter
Not applicable
about stretchable marquee:

I'm using this method-

1. Make some polyline of marquee boundary (or hatch)
2. Use magicwand to trace selection over this line
3. feel free to transform a boundary line and reselect it in a moment.