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Issue Manager improvements

Not applicable
With ArchiCAD 24 old Mark up tools has been improved and renamed to Issue Manager. With the new tool you can make a new issue, assign elements to it, give it a status, priority, labels etc. It is a great tool to communicate within and outside of the team. However I have two problems with new Issue Manager.

1. You can not control the visibility of the issues on layouts (through views). You can not hide elements that are assigned to selected issues or show them as colour coded (new/modified/deleted) on particular views. It seems like that Issue Manager is only useful while communicating through the Teamwork or bcf exchange - but not through the published prints/pdfs/dwgs. This is a huge limitation of that tool.
Issue Organizer might be equipped with something like Issue Combinations (similar to Layer Combinations) and be part of the View Settings control.

2. In previous version of ArchiCAD you could define element’s colour overrides (outline and highlight) with Mark Up Styles. Now colours are hard coded (e.g.. deleted elements are red). I think that colours assign to element status should be controlled with Graphic Overrides similar as it works with Renovation status.
Minh Nguyen
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni

Thank you very much for creating this poll, and for those of you who voted to express their opinion.

I am happy to say we took notice of this wish and I have added it to our Wish List database (please refer to it as Wish #12981). Hopefully, our Product Management team will adopt this one in the future.

Thank you all once more, and I wish you a great day!

Best regards,

Minh Nguyen
Technical Support Engineer

Hello @Minh Nguyen and @Anonymous,


Is there any progress on this issue?!


I have just started using the Issue Manager on one of our projects.

Though it is very helpfull to communicate issues in-house to project members (architect, engineer...) it lacks some necessary features to make it the tool it wants/needs to be.


In essence the Issue Manager would/should be the AC RenovationTool+, combining features from Issue Manager with the Renovation Filter Options.


What about adding two radio buttons to the Renovation Filter Settings!

Selecting either of them would display elements' hide/override/show settings based on either the Renovation Status or their status from the Issue Manager.


In doing so it would be possible to have views/layouts with elements/components displayed according to their material settings.


Can we have a poll on this?!

Or should one Just Do It💪😁



Johan Stinckens
BIM Modeller at Atrium Architecten
Archicad user since April 2014 (v17 - v26) - CC iRT i9-12900 - 64 GB / Nvidia Geforce RTX 3080 - Windows 10 Pro 64

Other than that it's hiking, camping, climbing.
Gerald D Lock

This and other wishes, polls etc. should be getting way more likes than they are, given their age. Sadly, the new GS community help/forum doesn't seem to get much engagement. I personally find the entire site very OPAQUE - difficult to get an overview of what the current issues/wishes/etc are, what level of support there is and what the GS team are doing to respond.
Comment on the future of wishes made by @Gordana Radonic suggests this might be coming, but for now, a simple Wishes Forum button with a link to
would be a start - finding the wishes forum isn't obvious. One needs to search for wishes, then click on a link in a post tagged 'wishes forum'
I'm hopeful things improve soon!!

ArchiCAD 24 (build 5004)

MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2021) Apple M1 Pro 32GB RAM | MacOS 12.0.1

Melbourne, Australia

Hi @Gerald D Lock, thank you for your suggestions and comments. As I wrote earlier, we are working on reorganisation of the whole wishes submission process. However, it requires syncing with our database and that is why Community team cannot provide exact information on when will this be out due to dependencies. 
Thank you for the feedback about the link for the Wishes Forum, we will discuss it with our designers. 
All the best,

Gordana Radonić

Community Manager

Don't want to be negative, but this new forum format feels a bit dumbed down. As you say the forum feels smaller now and without a big picture feel to it. and those badges... 🙄


Was this forum change done to reduce moderation workload? 


Hi @Strawbale23,

We very much appreciate all of your comments and feedback! The main purpose for the forum change was to enable more features besides forum and to allow for adding more languages besides english over time. We plan to improve the design and usability along the way in steps, therefore every comment is welcomed!
Thank you for your patience and understanding in advance, 


Gordana Radonić

Community Manager