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Project data & BIM

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Occupancy Design Validation with Expressions

A new feature of ARCHICAD 22 helps to turn the raw data into meaningful and valuable information. The expression-based properties process model data with functions and operators to produce new information which was not available directly in ARCHICAD....

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Zone Areas and Volumes

Zone area and volume calculations may seem to be tricky sometimes when you can’t track which areas are calculated exactly and how. In the following I will try to clarify the differences between the area types and why they may or may not show up when ...

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Multiple Area Units in Zone Stamps

I initially wanted to include three topics in one post, then I realized it would be easier to find them later if they were broken down into shorter parts, though they could be related as well. Let’s start with displaying different area units in Zone ...

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Scheduling Doors by Zone

ARCHICAD allows users to schedule their doors by zone. Please follow the steps below to learn how to setup a door schedule and how to change the zone a door belongs to. Create a Door Schedule In this example we will only be setting up a schedule that...

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Adding Zones to a Thermal Block

Things to Remember Before Starting Zones are only visible in 3D if they are enabled in the Filter and Cut Elements in 3D dialogue box. It's a good idea to save a 3D view specifically for use with energy evaluation. This view should show all parts of ...

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Why Dimensions and Zones can't be part of a group

You have probably noticed that Dimensions and Zones can't be part of a group but you were wondering why. This is because these elements almost always have relation to other elements (dimensions belong to walls or other elements, zones are relative to...

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Global Settings Affecting Zone Data and Display

Options->Project Preferences->Zones Dialog Zone Instance Setting affecting Zone Data Zone Settings Dialog –> Name and Positioning panel Zone Settings->Area Calculation panel Other Element’s Instance Setting affecting Zone Data Wall Settings Dialog->G...

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How to list the Wall Surface

In ARCHICAD listing/scheduling the Wall Surface is not possible if the Zone's body was modified with a Solid Element Operation. Until the correction is implemented there is a possible workaround. Basic idea Instead of the Zone we will list a Morph, c...

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